Discussion: Iran Leader Calls For Arming Gaza

Discussion for article #225667

Oh, goody. This is just the excuse Netanyahu needs to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran and let the US clean up after him when he’s done. Then he can whip up the population to a frenzy of fear that will help him consolidate more power. Lots of profit to be made by oil speculators, too, when oil goes to $200/barrel, so there’s an economic incentive.

Something tells me Netanyahu’s plan was to provoke a wider regional response by killing so many innocent civilians. He knew what the reaction would be in the Arab states to a prolonged conflict/ slaughter. The fly in Netanyahu’s ointment will be if Egypt boils over again and becomes unstable. Then, Netanyahu may finally realize Israel could be in deeper shit than he bargained for.

Yes, of course, Bibi wants to kill more civilians, because if he kills more civilians, then pressure will mount on him to stop his operations, and when eventually pressure from the US mounts on him to stop operations, then he’ll…wait, how exactly will that benefit him?

My brain tells me how wrong this is, but my emotions tell me to arm the Palestinians to make it a fair fight. Gaza needs its own “iron dome” to help defend against the slaughter.

Netanyahu may want a escalation. I’m just saying if Egypt becomes unstable, his wet dream of escalation may turn into a nightmare. I really don’t think Netanyahu gives a flying fu*k what the US thinks or says.
Edit: Netanyahu may very well agree with his hero Sharon when he said this:

“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . … I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
~ ARIEL SHARON, former prime minister of Israel, Oct. 3, 2001

The quote’s a fabrication:


As for netanyahu wanting an escalation, not sure what that means. Escalation with whom? Iran is already sending hamas weapons, this is just posturing on Khameini’s part. israel certainly doesn’t want to deal with Hizbullah right now (and Hizubllah, already involved in Syria doesn’t want to deal with Israel either). And if anything, Egypt has been quiet because the gov’t has the same goals as Israel right now.

You are probably right, that quote could be a fake. An Israeli leader would have to be pretty stupid to publicly say such a thing. I will not post it again.

I wish I could say they wouldn’t be that stupid, I just don’t think in this case he was.

this is a common malady of the internet world. I always tell my students that when they have somebody email them some particularly egregious quote or anecdote that corresponds too well to their way of thinking, they should double check it.