Discussion: Iowa Senators Skipping Caucus To Beat Snow Storm And Return To DC

Discussion for article #245361

The nation would be better off if both these individuals always missed Senate votes.


How con-veeeeeeeeeeen-yent.


Despite the intense use of energy to make ethanol and the low price of gas, these guys need to be there to ensure ethanol (read here “artificially high corn prices”) is still mandated by the Energy Act.

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Sen. Ethanol and Sen. Neuteremall beat a hasty and ignominious retreat to the nation’s capital eager to prove their mettle as Washington “outsiders”.


What vote is set for Tuesday?

lol! Profiles in Courage


The Senate stands adjourned until 3:00pm on Monday, February 1, 2016. Following any leader remarks, the Senate will resume consideration of Calendar #218, S.2012, Energy Policy Modernization Act. There will be no roll call vote during Monday’s session of the Senate. The next roll call vote is expected at 2:30pm on Tuesday, February…



One thing I have always disliked about the Iowa caucus process is that it leaves out senior citizens who aren’t able to drive at night, evening shift workers and now the snow is making it difficult to attend. Not ideal if you want to get people involved, but I suppose that is what Bob PanderPutz is hoping for.

What to have for lunch.

Twaddle Herp and Twaddle Derp deftly avoiding the question of who they voted for…

Ernst and Grassley are really slipping. How they failed to point out a blizzard making its way toward Iowa is proof global warming is a hoax is puzzling.

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Does this mean they’ll get Fs from Ted Cruz’s Voter Information Peepshow?

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Oh, senior citizens are some of the most committed caucus goers. they just car pool with younger friends.

Sometimes our feet are a better reflector of our true feelings than our words are.

So…they have to leave the state they represent to go do nothing in DC. Got it.