Welcome aboard, sir. Your candor and obvious intelligence make your move a wise choice.
Let’s hope he continues to be a class act. That would include not appearing on Maddow’s show to simply preach to the choir. Better he goes on Hannity’s and tries to educate somebody somewhere.
“If this is the new normal, I want no part of it,”
It is the new normal.
Hannity only allows useful idiot Dems to go on his show, almost literal straw men.
Assume he is prepared for the squadrons of flying monkeys that the Toxic Trump National Socialists will be sending in his direction - there are many in that crowd who, when speaking among themselves, will proclaim vicious and violent intentions toward those who defect from the exalted Trump ranks.
The GOP will call him a traitor. But given who’s hurling that accusation, it’s a compliment.
I appreciate the fact that this man chose to jump across the aisle for ideological purposes rather than trying to gain a seat, knowing he was going to lose his own party’s nomination anyway (see Specter, Arlen)
This is why I hold out some hope for some of my friends who are Trump voters. They aren’t racist, or ignorant, or even difficult to deal with (which is why I still call them my friends). Yet they still feel it is necessary to keep voting for a certain line, no matter how noxious the GOP side gets. In my former area of Kentucky, they elected a state rep who put racist memes and bikini-clad shots of women on his Facebook page, only because he had a R next to his name. When the guy committed suicide (after he was investigated for fraud), they held a special election in which they elected not only a Democrat, but also a woman (who was also a former school principal). There are people on the other side who are still reachable, so don’t give up hope.
I saw this story on CNN. Love it.
I wish there was more a flood than a trickle of defections. Each individual one is notable because there are so few. The vast majority of the GOP is party over country and will obey to the collapse of civilization.
Hard to think that Republican positions in 2016 were OK, while Trump personally being a douchebag moved him over the line. Trump has simply been giving reality to what the Republicans have promoted going back to George W. Bush’s presidency.
Trump’s “reckless spending,”
So this clown is now going to start bitching about deficits, and the “moderate” democrats will start working on “fixing” the deficit. Got it.
Translation: He signed up for Gingrich tax cutting, not Trump crazy and cruel.
Then he wants no part of it. (sorry, but it’s hard for me to leave a syllogism hanging)
The writing was on the wall for McKean’s party switch.
I hope that wall is big enough for many more.
“…his frequent disregard for the truth…”
Just can’t bring ourselves to say LIES, can we? Lies all the time. I can’t support a leader who lies all the time, in every instance, with every word he speaks. What’s so hard about saying that?
No hate like for the apostate.
“If this is the new normal, I want no part of it,” he said solemnly. “Unacceptable behavior should be called out for what it is, and Americans of all parties should insist on something far better in the leader of their country and the free world.”
Easy Democratic Party messaging for the upcoming subpoena battles and the 2020 elections.
But before Trump he was OK with recklessly spending us into a war with a country that didn’t attack us, not to mention getting hundreds of Americans and thousand of Iraqis killed. He was OK when Cheney said Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.
So “if this is the new normal, I want no part of it” It is not the new normal, it is normal, it is business as usual, you just finally woke up to it.