Discussion: Iowa Caucus Results

Discussion for article #245378

Holy crap Martin O’Malley and Hillary Clinton are TIED! Enjoy it while you can Martin.

Same goes for you, Jeb! This is the absolute best your numbers will ever look, so take a screenshot or something.


Since I couldn’t see the graphic, you got me with that one.

No results are posted yet, so everybody’s tied at 0.0% of the vote.

Talk about a horse race, they’re neck and neck coming around the bend.

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you mean “out of the gate”

No because I was just horsin’ around ; )

I wonder who’ll ‘whip’ whom?

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I can see Hillary in a jockey outfit…

There’s got to be some one-person precinct somewhere that can flip one pixel of Iowa from its current torpid gray to a radiant not-gray.

I see a little more of one of those Roman chariot sort of arrangements with spiked wheels taking out her opponents.


She could really make a fashion statement if she wore pantsuits with jodhpurs and knee-high boots.

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I see the Hunger Games entries of the arena.

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What’s the over/under on O’Mailley not cracking 1%?

Extra credit for the first one to spot a non-white person at the caucus. That 97% thing is no joke.


Does Dr. Carson count???


Judges say - nope.

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.005/.0025 I believe ; )


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Please let it be Cruz. Please let it be Cruz. Please let it be Cruz. Please please please please.


The bottom of the Republican scale is interesting…note that Other gets 0.08% while Gilmore gets 0.01%. Ouch. I wonder how many of the bottom feeders take the hint and drop out this week.

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