Discussion: Introducing NEO, TPM’s New Frontpage Publishing Software

Awesome! I only had to get though 4 Oops! and two bad gateways to get to this page.


But at least the Front Page rates at 3 meh on the meh scale!


Two failures to be able to comment on the new frontpage. Today has not gone well. Error 500- too many to count, 502 gateway errors -too many to count, difficulty accessing topics from the meta list include a message regarding a bad server. I don’t mind change and understand that glitches happen when migrating to new software. But today’s user experience has not been a happy one.


“This will go down as a legendary day in TPM history. Incredible timing.”

I agree.


I’m done for the day. Too many errors, and I get frustrated rather easily anymore.


A great day for their servers to blow up. Amazing timing. Legendary. Really crackerjack work for their dev team.


We’re already working on version 1.1, including several reader-suggested features,

Making the site actually work is scheduled for Version 3.2 !!! Look for it !!!


Still wish there was a ‘timeline’ of all content published. I’d like to be able to see the newest content regardless of subject-grouping. I still have to jump around to have any confidence I’ve picked up all the new stuff.


Still wish there was a ‘timeline’ of all content published.

The 'All - > News" on the top of the frontpage doesn’t to that ?


The primary objective:

save readers time and to help them start to see story arcs less like a reader and more like a TPM editor

That is an interesting goal, and it’s too early to judge the results. But my question is: why and when did Josh & co start to think that readers would benefit from that perspective?

In recent months, it seems Josh and some of the editors have been doing a lot of that work manually with a combination of blog posts, backgrounders, and proto-Primers that explicitly wove individual items together with the perspective of the newsroom to create context and highlight the coherent narrative.

My question isn’t intended as a challenge. I’m wondering if there is reason to suspect that traditional practices around the packaging and consumption of news are beginning to fail us (as a society). Is there something about the way politics is now practiced, or information and culture are disseminated via interwebs, that older practices are proving inadequate to handle? Or, perhaps Josh & co think that the “editorial perspective” is a potential antidote to increasingly effective information warfare being waged daily by FOX, Russia, and others? Or is it simply that more happens in any given day than used to, and this is what readers need to cope with ever-increasing throughput?

I recall that it was suggested during Bush 43’s Iraq War that we were deliberately being inundated with a torrent of information because it was believed we’d have a harder time separating the signal from the noise. I wonder if something like that supposed mechanism is now at play in a larger way for whatever reason.


Hear! Hear!


To be fair, my gateways are fine and no Oops for me. Plus I have had very little trouble this whole week. Using Chrome on PC, e-rreead, and Android phone. (Edit spelling)


I’m glad, but a lot of us click more than you do. Chrome on Mac here.

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I use Chrome on my PC (with brand news OS Windows 10 if that makes a difference), and I’m flooded with messages about malfunctions.


This is one of the few articles that I can see the comments on. Mostly, I see an “Oops…” message.


The forum software is separate from the front page they’re talking about, although there is some function that links new articles to topics here, which sometimes breaks.

Also, the errors we see typically are not related to which browser you’re using; they’re issues on the server.


Hey everyone,

Quick note on the 502 errors. As a prime member pointed out, these errors are coming from the servers running our forum software, entirely separate from the servers and software that run the publishing infrastructure of the site. While no less annoying, the new frontpage launch and the 502 gateway errors are unrelated. What seems to have cause the errors was the influx of new prime members signing into the forums, which caused one of our forum servers to overload. We understand how frustrating this can be and have been working on a stabilizing the situation.

For readers with questions or feedback on the frontpage, I will do my best to answer your posts in this thread throughout the next couple of days.


Yeah I tried switching over to firefox and it wasn’t much better.

Oh Oh maybe I should try microsoft edge! Oh the excitement!

What happened to the Hive?