And without doubt, Zinke is an expert on BS because he is so colossally full of it.
Oh, there’s more than “a little BS” in this story, but it’s not the scrutiny.
“Zinke on Friday dismissed scrutiny of his use of private and government planes…”
“Trust me, it will soon be Zinke’s time in the barrel.”
Mr. Secretary, i see your little B.S. and raise you a full crock of shit!
Time to step down you grifting dirtbag.
What a lovely Friday gift to Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, John Oliver, and the writers’ room of Colbert’s show. Enjoy the mockery, Mister Secretary.
DRAIN THE SWAMP… and turn it into an exclusive Trump golf resort.
I’m starting to sense something here - could it be Planegate?
Zinke is offering up what is pretty much a crap argument. He could have started with necessary air travel times and built schedules from there. Also, the airport delays argument isn’t much either as the TSA could easily wave him through the gates.
These guys just see little Donnie abusing the system and figure it’s ok for them, too.
The party of fiscal responsibility in a nutshell.
no commercial options existed to meet the promulgated schedule
… which Zinke set, likely specifically to avoid the need to use commercial flights.
I’m not calling flat out BS here, but when you compare Zinke’s use of chartered flights to the well-run and active Interior’s previous Secretary’s use of the same, the “it was necessary” argument is laid bare.
We’ve seen these kinds of shenanigans at the corporate level as well. Meetings scheduled so that the executive involved just “can not” reasonably travel with just the riff-raff and “has to” travel in a little more style. Compare current tenants to previous holder of the same office, and you see that others were able to make their meeting schedules meet with more frugal use of resources, and were more effective at their jobs as well.
I’ll take the shit sandwich without so much shit on it.
You could make a whole bunch of copies of that statement and put them under the windshield wipers of every car in the White House parking lot.
And just the other day he was whining about lack of loyalty in USDI. Why should anyone be loyal to this arrogant, grifting, ignorant asshole. I’m hoping some enterprising park ranger takes him on a personal tour of an abandoned mine shaft, a deep one.
ETA. I know of some really deep ones in the Southwest where the cadaver would never be found. Judge Crater and Jimmy Hoffa will turn up sooner.
“Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes??” Please make it stop. Is the “Cone of Sllence” in his office another example of “Using tax dollars wisely and ethically…"??
Nah, “Chartergate” flows off he lips better…
…with a fried egg, spam and shit on top.
Isn’t the cone of silence in the other grifting dirtbags office?