He just made his first tweet of the investigation:
“Nuthin 2 C hear”
I suspected as much.
Trump appointee.
When are these people going to learn that they don’t operate in a vacuum, that there are others watching everything they do? Zinke might think as head of the agency he can do as he pleases, but it just ain’t so.
Suck it up, Mr. Secretary. Go back to your secret ALEC meetings.
The Trump Effect… something like The Butterfly Effect, only it ruins people…
Zinke’s the latest in a conga-line of Republicans that Trump’s lured over the legal line.
There’s ample evidence this was pro-active political blackmail of the seediest kind.
The fact it happens every day in lighterweight versions doesn’t make this egregious example any less disgusting.
The story might be more ¨impactful¨ if it included Sullivan´s spokesman´s quote:
According to Sen. Dan Sullivan’s spokesman Mike Anderson, Sullivan took a phone call from Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke Wednesday.
“As a result of that call, he’s very concerned about Alaska’s economy,” Anderson said in a statement to the Journal.
Sure makes it sound as if a threat was made.
DeeP,sTaTe fails whiLe it sowS faiLingLy dischorD in America. GeT oVer it LibTards. You’re DistRact attemPts froM maSSive elecTion loss faiLs! Sad!
You scratch my back or I’ll stab you in yours? I know there is a lot of give and take , but I have no problem imagining that Republicans, especially in the last few years if not decades, have taken it up many notches especially with women.
What does Murkowski say?
Now if the picture showed a sweaty Senator Thanks Dad in grungy clothes helping the Kitchen Zink move, I’d be more likely to believe it.
Too many old-American rules getting in the way of the success of the Russo-American Union. If there are so many constant ethics violations and rule breaking, might as well do away with all rules and laws for anyone in power.
“If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier… as long as I’m the dictator.”
And why is the Secretary of the Interior calling the Alaska Senators to lobby them about a really bad set of “health care” bills anyway? I’d think that would be the job of Tom Price. I’m sure that fact that Interior programs are pretty important to the health of Alaska’s economy had nothing to do with the choice of Zinke to make the call, nope, nope, nope.
I bet they also wanted Secretary of Energy Perry to make a call, but he couldn’t cope with dialing 10 digits, having that little problem with numbers and memory.
I’m beginning to think it’s an initiation kind of thing, a rite of passage. You’re not truly a Trumpster until you have a pending indictment or investigation. Congratulations Zinke! You’re in the club now.
Zinke was all excited until staff explained exactly what was to be probed…
Well they both drank beer once in the same place and were photographed.
That must mean he’s innocent.
Another face that begs to be punched. Where do they get these people?
As far as HC legislation being completely outside of Zinke’s official duties, it would be one thing if Zinke and Murkowski can both say they’re buds and he wanted to lobby her on a personal level if its true that no threats were made.
It’s another for him to have called Sullivan. Since Zinke isn’t a constituent, it’s difficult to see any justification for that call.
We know Ryan quite well here in Billings. This would not be surprising at all to learn he actually phoned the Senators and threatened them with reprisals via the DOI energy leasing practices. Ryan can play as dirty a game as anyone and has done so to get to where he is in our state’s Republican Party.
I tore up my Republican declaration with the likes of Zinke and Gianforte. Time to be an independent and hopefully others in my state will do the same to get the Party to change. We need conservatives…not this crop of right wing extremists.
And how long before the IG is fired? Oh, wait, Zinke can’t do that. Tough luck, tough guy. Hope he’s prosecuted for this, or at very least, loses his job.
He was drummed out of the Seals for fraud and was barred for life from returning there so he needs ALEC meetings now. Gotta find out what he’s suppose to stand for somewhere doncha know.