Discussion: Interior Department Scraps Obama-Era Rule On Coal Royalties

Its bad enough that the Trump gang is now allowing the rape of public and tribal lands to get yet more of the filthiest fuel on earth - coal. But I bet with this regulation change, the coal companies will also be allowed to rape the taxpayers of the fair value of the OUR coal,. the royalties from which could be used to restore the lands that the mining operations will destroy.

Once again, the Trump criminals are screwing Americans. MAGA??? - Bullshit!

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They’re Royalties! They’re supposed to be burdensome and costly. Otherwise what the hell are they for?


So, they’re going to lower their rates now, right?

Hello…? Helloooooo…? This is “the little man” calling. The one you said you’d be there for…

What? Press 1for Spanish?

They claim canceling the new rule will only affect 1% of revenue. But that’s because the new rule was anticipated to take effect. With it suspended, second-party offshore sales will increase, to some much higher percentage of lost revenue. Which of course is the purpose of the suspension.


By far the largest coal producing state is Wyoming. It also the state with the highest Trump approval rating.

So this royalty revision is screwing Wyoming out of money it would otherwise have received.

See - there is a silver lining!

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This is exactly the kind of tax/fee evasion strategy that regularly gets people sent to jail in other sectors. And the kind of cheating that’s easy for ordinary people to understand.

…said Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, adding that the repeal will reduce costs that energy companies would otherwise pass on to consumers.

GOPers never stop talking about “the market,” and “market forces,” but they are remarkably ignorant about how markets work.

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