Just absurd to see the GOP heads not afford Sen Harris the same courtesy as her male colleagues in the Senate.
Btw, if these guys want a closed door meeting, then they should take that meeting and them come out and hold a press conference where they discuss what was said that is not classified or possibly those statements where executive privilege could be invoked. They have a duty to the American people and the public record.
That was an utter disgrace! Sen. Harris was doing an excellent job in her questioning and was aware that she only had 5 mins to get answers. The way these men treated her was quite telling indeed!
Trump/GOP: Woman and non-White, please just go away. Time to deport her.
Harris was being adversarial, but what’s wrong with that? Rosenstein was being extremely disingenuous, saying basically “I don’t need to promise not to remove Mueller, because I and all the others who could remove him have too much integrity.” Which might be true, but if so why not formalize it anyway. And then at the end he said, “… or anyone else who is appointed to our positions.” And I thought that was a money quote because, well, have you seen some of the people Trump has been appointing? He can’t imagine someone in his position firing Mueller? Not only does he have an impoverished imagination, but Harris really did score on that one.
I actually also liked McCain’s somewhat wry questions – although they were typically just a step short of the level that would have generated anything newsworthy.
Yet she persisted.
Hooray for Kamala Harris!
Note that Sidney only attempts to act the elder statesman whenever he knows the national media’s cameras are on. But deep in his atrophied heart, he is what he is: A Cockholster-supporting, traitorous, fetid piece of shit.
Fuck You, Sid McCrashcup!
Chair Richard Burr (R-NC) then spoke up to chastise her, urging her and other members to "provide the witnesses the courtesy, which has not been extended, fully across, for questions to get answered.”
“…and stop being so uppity.”
Committee Chair Richard Burr (R-NC) then spoke up to chastise her, urging her and other members to “provide the witnesses the courtesy, which has not been extended, fully across, for questions to get answered.”
OMG….we need a montage of all the “courtesy” the Repubs have shown when questioning Democrats. Gowdy, Issa, McConnell, Cornyn….the list goes on and on as does the footage of constant interruption, heavy disdain and endless insults. Give me a break….
Chair Richard Burr (R-NC): “Who knew running a plantation could be so hard?”
Witnesses can filibuster and burn up questioning time.
Have forgotten Condi Rice’s filibuster on “It’s a memo about ‘History’…” and burn up a whole 5-mins on that one answer?
The look on her face when Burr chastised her was priceless.
They are so out in the open now with Trump as President and his racist campaign wining. here it is America right in front of you I was appalled and frozen. at the way she was attacked. these are not Honorable men
Is it possible that Republicans are not precisely aware of the racist, anti-woman posture they’re assuming in these public settings? Is it possible that they are not–deliberately, strategically, on the calculated advice of Republican operatives–playing to their easily-inflamed, racist, anti-woman base?
I suppose anything is possible: just as it’s possible that some Republican candidates will spontaneously attack the press, usually verbally, but sometimes physically, in the lead up to the 2018 mid-terms, not because Frank Luntz and Steve Bannon told them to, but because they’re simply incapable of restraining themselves.
Nevertheless, we all know by now that most of the Republican games of woman-bashing and their public contempt for people of color is deliberate and strategic, because it keeps their repulsive base whipped into a voting frenzy.
Some white guys have their dislike of women and blacks deeply ingrained into everything they do and just can’t contain it one little bit.
it was sickening California is number one on their hit list to boot. Harris was attacked by these gorillas. remember 53% of women voted for Trump. go figure. with their disgraceful lizard of a President. they still attack this woman Senator. Predators is what they are
These Republican white guys just can’t help themselves, can they?
How dare a strong, articulate, smart Black woman take on the establishment!
Yeah, don’t let the women speak. Of course.
The GOP War on Women continues.
53% of white women. It’s easy to forget that qualifier.
Burr might regret this when Harris becomes 46.