Just our daily reminder that we have a man with severe mental issues in charge.
Pay no attention to the drooling fool in the corner. He just rules over a nuclear arsenal and can tank the world economy overnight with a single ill-considered act. Other than that the fact he’s President is just dandy. Nothing to see here, move along.
Pictures ye say??
Well, i was pretty sure trump had problems reading. And a picture is worth a 1000 words I hear tell.
If they’d use a fake chart showing cash flowing into the tRump Organization based on following intelligence advice they would be doing the country a service. Or a chart showing that following the advice of our intelligence agencies would really piss off liberals.
Do the Intel chiefs use crayons or sharpies for the pictures?
It totally chaps his hide that a WOMAN is the acknowledged Leader of the Free World, not him!
Twice weekly briefings might have been ok in the 1700’s
This story is part of the build-up to get the casual lookers-on to “politics” more up to speed on the menace of Donald Trump.
Trump is such a dumbshit.
First picture of the day for tRump.
A ‘‘pet obsession’’ with Merkel?
Given Putin’s ‘interest’ in Merkel, I find this a tad disturbing.
I expect each briefing is complete with construction paper and crayons.
The Dotard’s thinking about economics and trade never evolved beyond 16th-century mercantilism. He seems to have missed the fact that the international economy is not based on gold bullion any more. It sounds as though the people who are briefing him are catering to his belief that high tariffs will cause money to flow into the United States and that this will make him a “winner.”
It just warms my heart to know he’s working so hard … for himself
Beat me to it. That little throw-away line is scary as fuck.
I would really like to see the cartoon illustrations used to ‘brief’ trump.
80% of the GOP loves this ignorant tyrant. Why? Because McConnell is packing the federal bench with trump lawyers and two suspicious supreme court appointments.
Notice how often trump ends up in court? Think he’d like to tip the scales?
Run for office. Soon. Especially the Senate and ESPECIALLY if you’re from Kentucky.
pepping up the presentations with pictures and…
And if he actually sits through the briefing without letting his mind wander, he’s promised an extra 10 minutes of recess
Trump is primarily interested in which country is gaining financial footholds over the others.
Absolutely EVERYTHING is a zero sum game with Trump.
I presume the Pakistan/India dust-up went something like:
“Mr. President, we project that, if they launch nuclear weapons, each will do significant damage to infrastructure in the areas. Won’t bother you with the body count, but we project a 35% decline in Call Centers, and an overall drop of 23% in GDP in India, 57% in Pakistan.”