Discussion for article #222485
The rigged survey was probably the last hurrah for Republicans on ObamaCare. About now Republicans must be realizing the insurance companies are not going to give up all the new customers without a fight.
Let the tweaking begin but ObamaCare is here to stay.
I would not be even slightly surprised to learn that the GOP committee chairman refused to allow such testimony from the insurance company representatives.
Republicans will go to any lengths, tell any lies, and spend whatever it takes to promote their false view of the ACA.
Haters hate
Exactly. Never say die!
Bring it!
I was thinking the same thing. There is no way in hell the Republicans are going to allow this testimony into the record.
Unfortunately a lot of the damage done, won’t be undone. The misinformation is out there and you know none of the conservative news outlets are going to report the new information.
That is how one responds to a GOP Select Committee. Which is why we are moving to another dead horse B…
Research invited and prepared testimony from industry sources and experts before Congressional hearings. You might be slightly surprised.
You mean somebody might turn off the mics and signal it’s over by doing a throat cut thing? Nah.
Hoist on their own petard!!
Of course insurers don’t want this law repealed. GOPers have fallen into another of Obama’s neat traps for them.
And in my State, Washington, 4 additional vendors are going to join the WaHealthPlanFinder exchange - increasing from 8 vendors to 12 this November.
But that would mean Republicans lied!
Hoist on their own petard. The GOP fell into a neat Obama trap.
Wait, does this mean that insurance companies are socialist, communist, or Kenyan?
The Republican’s growing hysterical effort to hurt Obamacare has become a classic witch hunt.
All three, obviously. All together now:
We love Benghazi,
Oh yes we do
We don’t love anyone
As much as you
When you’re not headlines
We’re blue
Benghazi, we love you.
(sung to the tune of ‘We love You Birdie’ from the film Bye-Bye Birdie…yeah…I’m old.)