Discussion: Inside The Trump-Tiger Woods Lovefest (And Business Entanglements)

People, let me tell you 'bout my black friend
He’s a warm hearted person who’ll love me till the end
People, let me tell you bout my black friend
He’s a one boy cuddly toy, my up, my down, my pride and joy

People, let me tell you ‘bout him he’s so much fun
Whether we’re talkin’ man to man or whether we’re talking son to son
'Cause he’s my black friend
Yes he’s my black friend


All Medals of Freedom awarded by Trump are hereby meaningless.


Woods should have had the self-respect to reject all entanglements with Trump. Woods is just another greedy small-minded person.


A guy once told me “Not all assholes play golf but all golfers are assholes.” Over the years I’ve found that assessment to be about 90% correct.

Woods has shown that, while he may be a great golfer, he’s little more than another grossly overpaid sleaze ball.


I used to be a supporter of Tiger Woods - everybody deserves a second chance. But how in the world he thinks he serves such an award is beyond me. Tiger, you are a POS just like POS trump. Hope you never win a championship again.

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With all his Judicial appointment, the Constitution will soon be meaningless…

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He’s going to give one to Paul Manafort, but he’ll have to pardon him first.

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He’s so notorious that there’s an entire book about it.


Zero respect for Tiger if he accepts this or does so without criticizing Trump.

Great book. I just read it.

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Aww for Chrissakes. And, Here I was happy for Tigers win.

My wife and I have been long time fans of Tiger, right up until he became a golfing buddy of Trump.

Why anybody, especially a person of color, would sidle up to this pathological, racist bigot is a mystery.


Nadler has already done so.

The Courtship of Donald’s Treason?

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Honestly I can’t think of another person I’d care to see afflicted with the ETTD syndrome.

Everyone puts him in headlines, but IIRC he hasn’t really won any other titles in years. I don’t follow golf, but I’d always read/see/hear headlines that 'so-and-so won the Great Tournament. Tiger Woods came in 23rd." So if anyone can tell me why, other than the fact that he’s mixed race, he’s supposed to be so wonderful I’d appreciate being enlightened.

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I’d like it even better if Tiger Woods added, “Donald Trump always cheats at golf.”


In a way he’s like OJ after he won the Heisman. No comments about the events of the day or social issues. “I’m just in it for OJ”
Hey it’s progress. Not so many years ago Trump and his father wouldn’t rent or sell Tiger or his family an apartment.

[Shrug] From one family values guy to another…

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Imma have to watch that part of Falling Down now. Fore!