Discussion for article #223946
That “This Week” opts to bring a pandering twit like Ingraham on as a “pundit” completely eviscerates any shred of credibility the show has. I can’t wait for the day that the traditional news media dies off.
“Cheapens the debate.” Eric Cantor is complaining about cheapening debate? HelloPot? Kettle calling.
Unlike that old cutup Willard Rmoney-- he was the life of the party, no?
That Laura Ingraham is such a jokester! Ha Ha Ha
See? It was a just a joke and now Cantor is crying. I hope she feels good about herself for being such a poopyhead.
THEY say:
He lost because he has no sense of humor.
He lost because he did/did not support immigration.
He lost because he’s Jewish.
He lost because he didn’t show up enough.
I think these “pundits” don’t have a real clue why he lost, so they’re just making shit up.
Ingraham is like a bad whine: a faint scent of fetid viciousness; hints of homophobia tinged by racism; all held together by overweening notes of thuggishness.
“See that cripple over there? He’s stupid, too! Let’s all beat him up! Hahahahaha.” Conservative “humor.”
Yet if anybody made jokes about her cancer or adopted crack babies it would be out of bounds.
And Laura wins because everyone loves a clown.
Let’s hope that these ridiculous commentators and Republican politicians just keep imploding. Looking forward to it!
that these pieces of dog shit are in the news for any reason at all other than being hit by a tiny meteorite and donating their organs to decent human beings is a travesty.
" I don’t think that it reflects on the people that self-identify as Tea Partyers. I think they reject that kind of notion,"
Bull shit ! Its exactly the type of thing a tea partyer would say.
That’s an apt description of just about anybody on the conservative right wing.
No sense of humor? Consider the source.
Apparently Ingraham thinks debate cheapening is a funny matter. That explains everything.
What precisely does one think would happen to any high profile American politician who fell into the hands of the Taliban, prisoner exchange or not?
This “joke” (and the same for Rand Paul) is basically a veiled implication that one wants one’s political opponents to be tortured and/or murdered by proxy.
It is far, far worse than just “cheapening” the debate.
In fact it is a call to SILENCE debate with violence.
Utterly disgusting.
Yeppers just as funny as everyone else in the 2012 GOTP clown car. Who of us can ever forget “nine nine nine” or Bachmann bleating for attention from Anderson?
Laura knows a good joke when she sees one because she sees one every time she looks in a mirror…
Never mind. There is nothing that can be said about this disgusting twit that would convey the depths of her depravity, so don’t even try.