Vote count numbers in the article are wrong. Trump EC count more like 290, not 232. Popular vote margin for HRC now > 2 million.
If this surprises anyone anymore they would either need to be brain dead or have been living in a cave off the grid.
George Lakoff talks about how conservatives love for the “Strict Father” model of politics.
In the strict father family, father knows best. He knows right from wrong and has the ultimate authority to make sure his children and his spouse do what he says, which is taken to be what is right. Many conservative spouses accept this worldview, uphold the father’s authority, and are strict in those realms of family life that they are in charge of.
Yet when these alt-right nutters come in, it seems like the obvious missing ingredient is adult supervision. So we have the Nurturing Father, the Strict Father, and now the Missing Father model of governing. Can a Man Baby govern?
Par for he course: Know-Nuthin’ faux-news sites dog-whistling to a thin-skinned, ignorant, megalomaniac.
So, Trump refuses the daily intelligence briefings from the professionals in the U.S. intelligence services (because, presumably, he either does not think they are accurate, he already knows more than they do, or he realizes he won’t understand or won’t be able to focus for the entire briefing), yet he accepts and repeats as fact conspiracy theories and plain lies from Infowars and other right-wing and alt-right websites and groups. Ladies and gentlemen, the President-elect of the United States. Embarrassing. Sad.
If you took away the other 12 or 15 completely disqualifying qualities and shortcomings, this man’s total inability to judge the reliability of various information sources would bar him from almost any office or position of trust. If he were perfect in every other way, this alone would make him a near-certain creator of a series of disasters. I’m sorry, but all our nice Republican Facebook friends saying “Just give it a chance” are letting us drift closer to the waterfall. This insane farce can’t go on and this man cannot be allowed to be President. Since Jefferson, we’ve understood that the nation’s survival supersedes even the Constitution, that it’s not a suicide pact. I don’t know it will work but we have to face that. This is serious.
Let’s be honest - this man does not seek out information, this man believes what is fed to him. He doesn’t read! Someone he trusts gave him this info, he didn’t come across it on his own. The question is, which one in his “circle of trust” is feeding him bullsh*t statistics? This certainly isn’t the first time he’s tweeted or repeated fake news.
Maybe all of us should start tweeting equivalent falsehoods. I liked Samantha Bee’s theory that Donald is functionally illiterate. But stating that Moscow will permit a Trump tower annex to the Kremlin sounds plausible too.
We are getting attacked for participating in a recount that we didn’t ask for by the man who won election but thinks there was massive fraud
Yes, but it’s still planet Earth. Rest assured not all logic, not all sense has failed, not yet. Getting a little dicey on the third rock from the sun, but it’s still definitely the best rock. Still and forever. Trump will pass and we will still have the Earth, hopefully.
This is what it’s going to be like for the duration of President GrabEm, Trump farts are analyzed and reacted to on a constant basis when the comments are not even acceptable. The press has been decimated and humiliated to the point that they just report tweets, the fumes of the farts have to go somewhere, it’s entropy.
Since we’re counting, a good source for the actual number is Cook Political
Well, there is nothing we can do to stop him now. There’s nothing anyone can do. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I dunno. But I tell you what, that will be a horrible day.
That’s not at all true. The Electoral College does not have to elect him, for example. Or the Congress could declare him mentally incapacitated the day he assumes office.
I do believe there’s nothing anyone will do to stop him, but that’s not the same thing.
Then the MSM picks it up and away we go, the lie become the factless fact.
How could we possibly come up with anything worse than the truth? The man brags about sexually assaulting women and walking in on underage girls changing clothes and talks about wanting to fuck his daughter.
I certainly am not talking about that and would not welcome it at all, no matter how much danger we’re in. But I think the danger is so great that bipartisan governmental action not specified in the Constitution has to be on the table. That’s what “The Constitution is not a suicide pact” means.And before everyone jumps in and says but but but he’ll give the GOP a rubber stamp, I’m already aware of that. But Ryan, McConnell et al. have to be experiencing a growing realization that will do things on his own, like make David Clarke head of Homeland Security, that will be disastrous and that the GOP will own 100 percent. It could be a suicide pact for the party at the very least. They’re absolutely corrupt but they’re not stupid.
Yes, but all of that steps on my assassination joke using Donald’s own words.
Trump currently trails Hillary Clinton in the popular vote by close to 2 million votes, but he won the electoral college with 232 votes to Clinton’s 232.
Ms. Kirkland, Trump trails Hillary by over 2.2 million votes – not “close to 2 million votes.”
RE HO’s claim Virginia had “serious voter fraud,” I am sure that is news to Richmond Republicans – the ones who run basically everything in state government.
While we need the Press to continue to report on these dramatic, imbecilic statements, it needs to do so without taking resources from the real stories which are occurring under the surface: the conflicts of interest; the new “pay for play” with the Trump brand; the foreign interests and the “Trumpkins” looking for ways to mutually expand their wealth.
These are the real stories, and the Press would be well served to see these outbursts as the bright, shiny objects they truly are, and nothing more.
After selling it’s collective soul post 9-11, we now need the Fourth Estate, more than ever. The opportunity for redemption will never be greater.
Don’t count on the 4th Estate going anything, they have hooked their wagons onto The Dumpster, even once well respected NPR.
As the very earnest codegen86 stated, without humour, the Electoral College should do the patriotic thing and elect Hillary Clinton. Failing that, Congress needs to protect us from the disastrous and corrupt incoming administration. It won’t, but Democrats should be condemning the Republican majority and their collusion with their crooked leader every day until the midterms in 2018 and make them pay a heavy price.