Discussion: Industry Groups Implore Trump: Don't Cut 'Essential' Obamacare Subsidies!


He doesn’t read. If they want to get their point across, industry groups should buy a big ad spot on Hannity in exchange for a 5 minute segment on the show to speak directly to Trump.


FAKE GROUPS!!$&@#*$& -Trump

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He’s a MASTAH deal maker. All he can think of is in terms of win/lose. And if someone else is losing he is winning.

This letter is only gonna convince him that cutting off CSRs will benefit him, so I bet it’s gonna happen.

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Those subsidies are critical to access for the poorest and sickest among us. The man has no heart and no brain. Just short fat fingers, a big mouth, and a big ass.


This article is about Trump, but insurance companies were largely shut out of the recent histrionics in congress as well.

This really is a measure of the depth of loathing these people had for Obama; That the GOP would essentially forget it’s 100 year tradition of knee-jerk catering to big business, in this case the insurance companies. It’s like a dog chasing a cat and running in front of a car. They’re oblivious.

Maybe too the caliber of GOP politician has gone down. I mean intellectually. They seem to have little idea about what they’re doing or why. They seem to function at a primal level.


How can Trump be expected to make a great deal and get Americans terrific health care if all these groups that actually know something about it keep speaking up and interfering?


It doesn’t matter what he decides. Trump intends to raise premiums and shrink supplies. He’s a businessman.

That’s what businessmen do.

Where’s Mitt Romney been? Surely Mitt can help navigate through this healthcare crisis.

Maybe if the insurance cos and “nonprofit” hospitals lowered their 33% overhead and enormous salaries they might be able to cover some of those subsidies. That doesn’t change Dump from being a dick, though.

Numerous Fortune 500 CEOs begged Trump not to leave the Paris Accord.

How did that work out?

Glad they are trying, but time for these folks to go to war with Trump and the GOP.

In parenting terms, they used to call this style “crazymaking.” The withholding parent hints that he will do the responsible, caring, desirable thing but simultaneously hints that he may not. It’s a power game. He leaves it until the last possible minute, and usually goes beyond that before anyone is sure how it’s going to be. And by then he’s on to the next thing he can use to induce high anxiety into the household.

Trump is an ass.


The last graf needs promoting. Good article, as usual, though.