Discussion: Industry Execs Push Great New Product for India's Poor: Abestos

Discussion for article #226319

Your headline has a typo. Asbestos. You left out the 1st s.

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I don’t even know how to respond to this. This seems evil. Really. And all for $$$$.


Yes, and saddest is that the needs of the poor are used as the justification to screw them for profit.


So, Russia is exporting it to India while the west supplies former industry “experts” paid to create “controversy” now that their gigs here have run their course. But of course.

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This is “business as usual” in the third world.
The Tobacco Industry sees the 3rd World as it’s “Growth Market” and states this unashamedly in their prospectuses.
Dow Chemical makes 65% of it’s profit by placing dangerous chemical plants in 3rd world countries where they can easily (and cheaply) bribe the local officials (see the Bohpal disaster) and have no “pesky” environmental laws to worry about.
China owes it’s meteoric growth to these ideas and is just now beginning to deal with the realities of the pollution and disease it has caused.
Evil Incarnate is banal and wears a pinstripe suit.


Typical! A company will NEVER do the right thing unless forced. This is why we have regulations and inspectors . . . You know, the evil gubbmint runnin’ our lives. I watched a friend die of meso. Comanys found it cheaper to pay into the meso trust than to stop making the products or find a safe alternative.


Greedy bastards!

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It IS evil; and all for the $$$$.