These are likely to be “familiarity” results. Who has ever heard of this Young guy? In mid-October, the race will likely tighten. Indiana being what it is, R candidates have an advantage. Still, good news for Bayh at this point.
I LOVE this! Say what you will about Bayh, Todd Young’s district is in the Louisville/Southern Indiana media market, so I see more of him than I’d ever care to. He’s a jerk and he’d wind up being another Paul/Cruz/Rubio, but one who could actually come back to haunt us in 2020 or beyond. We need to kill this baby in his crib.
Evan Bayh is The New/Old Lieberman.
No, he really isn’t, but even if he was we need every damn seat we can get in order to take the Senate. Purity is useless when you’re in the minority.
He comes from good stock. Some of us are old enough to remember his Dad, Birch.
Agree. I am hoping we win the majority and not include the new FOX pundit as a senator.
Spot on, Plucky. These days a conservative Dem is always light-years better than a Republican, especially in a state where we have zero chance of getting anyone better in the foreseeable future, if ever, from the great state of Indiana, home to the KKK and the John Birch Society, lest any forget.
OT but as commenting possibilities are few and far between these days, Trump’s statements in Caitlin’s article about his not trusting and refusing to rely on the U.S. intelligence community are SURREAL. He is asking Americans to trust his non-existent intelligence over that of dedicated professionals who have worked in the field for decades, sometimes at the loss of life. Exactly what you would expect of an aspiring despot or, more likely in my view, an utter buffoon (not that the two are mutually exclusive, by any means).
Anyone else here concerned about Josh’s “Weakness Not Strength” (, for those who didn’t catch it) opinion piece the other day? I wrote him about it from my European perch (hah) the other day but he only publishes fawning supportive emails with nary a possibility for a voice of dissent. People are seriously rattled over here, and that is not in the interest of the U.S. nor of Europe. Actual warfare aside (not an unrealistic possibility), writing off Russia as a “weak and declining power”, whether or not that is true in terms of GDP, is small comfort to its far smaller and weaker neighbors, and a dangerous concession to the Trump camp.
Sorry to use you as a hook for my discontent, Plucky. I greatly appreciate your wise comments over the years, you’re one of our very best.
Purity is a disease the Dems have caught from the GOP. We really need someone to create a political vaccine against it. It’s bad enough for individuals, but it’s outright deadly to a democracy. It’s a pandemic among the gopers, and we ought pull it out by the roots when we find it among the Dems (yeah yeah, I’m mixing metaphors with abandon here, so sue me.)
Dino. Pro Oligarchy. Useless.
It’s waaaaay to late for anyone to be counting on a gap like this doing any significant “tightening.” The concrete is pouring as we speak. The pour gets completed on Labor Day and from there, it’s just a matter of whether something big enough to splash it all out drops before it’s cured.
Bye Felicia. Enjoy the wilderness.
I dropped a rant on him a few weeks ago, but I must say the prospect of his victory and the continuing failure of the prediction models to move past 51 seats has me returning to my “the only Senate vote that counts is the one for majority leader” default mode.
Yes he’s a DINO. But this may be the seat that tips the Senate blue. I’ll take it.
Well, it’s not Labor Day, and recognition issues are not like other ones. Your blithe statements notwithstanding, I expect that by 9/20, the race will be tighter. And that is what we call a prediction. I may be right, I may be wrong. It’s not anything to debate. By 9/20, we will see other polls. Would you be betting on a LARGER or EQUAL spread? If so, I will put down some money on that.
Are you really sure you want to take that bet now that he’s brought on Bannon?
One man’s purity is another man’s expecting Democrats to support Democratic principles.
Under normal circumstances I would agree with your read on the race. However, while there will be tightening in the race I don’t think it will be by much. With Trump at the top of the ticket he will eventually be a drag on other races. The race for the WH seems to be solidifying, and there aren’t many ways Trump can make up his huge deficit, barring some unforeseen and significant event that would shift the race.
Trump is screwing the pooch six ways from Sunday on the POTUS race. That means that huge Koch/conservative resources will go to down-ticket races. They will quickly, after Labor Day, cut Trump loose and let him go down like a giant flaming gasbag. Resources will go to other races, and you will start to hear “Elect R Senator to stop Hillary” ads.
I agree. Also Bayh’s favorability looks too high to be stopped. He has 46% favorable 19% unfavorable with 35% have no opinion. Then among conservatives he has a 30% favorable and 33% unfavorable. It could get tighter but it’s going to be really hard to stop Bayh if he’s viewed favorable by that many conservatives.