Someone who’s trying to sound smart, and thinks that’s a word people use regularly.
I can’t believe all the excuse-making going on here. The guy’s a cheating, duplicitous asshole—he’s engaged and in the middle of planning a wedding, with the undoubted presumption of everybody involved in both families at this point in the matrimonial process that he and his fiancee are NOT GOING TO BE FUCKING OTHER PEOPLE. Not only that, but how goddamn stupid do you have to be to TEXT somebody about this? The guy’s a fucking idiot.
Is it as nationally important as Republicans trying to undermine negotiations with Iran? Of course not, but that fact doesn’t mean that Democrats or progressives should be waving this off like it’s no more important than a parking ticket.
We can hold to both positions. He is a cheating, duplicitous asshole and she’s pretty crappy too.
I want one too! “You pay my mortgage while I call you worthless. Application must include complete financial portfolio.”
As I have told all of my sons, just because your penis points, does not mean you need to follow it.
Hmmmmm… two consenting adults making what otherwise seems to be a financial arrangement. Sorry, I’m not quite sure what the issue is. OK, he has behavioural issues, but considering how we still respond here in the US to anything but monogamous missionary positions behind closed doors with the lights out like it’s the 19th Century Britian, who gives a shit?
In the scheme of things, he thankfully was outed before actually getting married. This gives his fiancee a chance to dump him assuming she really didn’t know about his extracurricular needs, his constitutens a data point for the next election, and him a nudge in the direction of a good therapist.
I’m also pretty sure the word “findom” was coined by Financial Industry executives for the rest of the population.
Maybe, but she probably saved this creep’s fiance from making the biggest mistake of her life.
I hope the fiancee gets the deposit back on the wedding venue.
Hey all Rep Moed supporters, guess where your campaign contributions were going.
This guy is toast. Sexting isn’t that big of a deal on its own but this findom game looks awful especially for a guy just getting ready to be wed, likely voting on financial matters and being a representative of many thousands of citizens I’m sure. This is asking for the axe and playing with fire.
Why was this dude getting married anyways?
Thanks I mis-read that…
Apparently I’ve been in a hardcore findom relationship for years with my health insurance company and didn’t even know it. I wonder if they will cover treatment?
Why would two American politicians (note: Weiner and Moed are probably the only two we know of) be willing to throw their lives and their careers away for a skank like Sydney Leathers? I just don’t get it.
Um. Maybe she writes the headlines here at TPM?
Discussion: Indiana Lawmaker Apologizes For Sexting Sydney Leathers.
Financial domination. Basically she treats him really badly and in return he agrees to buy her gifts and shower her with money. Its a relatively safe endeavor for a pro domme, as she doesn’t actually have to engage in sex (or even meet them in many cases), and is obviously quite lucrative.
Man. Am I glad my better-half is a cheap date.
This woman must send a helluva text. But really, if you are a politician, can anything good come from doing anything with someone named Sydney Leathers?
Wow, that is a quick slide to the bottom from actually blowing Congressmen to giving virtual hand jobs to state senators. What’s next? If I was the girlfriend, fiancee, or wife of a city councilman or a school board member or dog catcher, I would give him a stern warning to avoid Ms. Leathers.
Why is this even a thing? Why was it ever a thing? We live in the most repressed and idiotic society that’s ever been.
This chick is elephant-nip!
So is she a Democrat, or a Republican agent provocateur?