Discussion: Indiana Governor OKs Changes To 'Religious Freedom' Law

Discussion for article #234989

Haha… How does that crow taste, Mikey?

You did a great job, being humiliated by the entire country. I can’t wait for your second act…

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Yes, but he stands up the press and signs it behind closed doors leaving the press who are set up to say, “WTF?” Or perhaps, what a coward!

"……It also bars discrimination based on factors that include race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, *gender identity or United States military service." Nice touch at that end there Mikey……now why do you suppose he added United States Military Service at the end? As if that was necessary. Guess he was trying to be a macho, macho, macho man….he wants to be a macho man.


I’m sure the Conservative Christians are wondering, “What’s the good of an exclusionary ‘Hate Law’ once they’ve taken all the hate out of it?” Ha ha.

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“NOW will you fags leave us alone and start talking about your Final Four brackets again?”

Still waiting for Pence to distance his genius RFRA law from the anti-gay pizza shop in his state…

“The revised legislation prohibits providers from using the law as a legal defense for refusing to provide services, goods, facilities or accommodations. It also bars discrimination based on factors that include race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or United States military service.”

But what does it actually DO now? I think I’ve never understood what these laws do apart from giving bigots a right to be bigots in the public space.

FWIW, veteran status is standard in nondiscrimination statutes.

"The revised legislation prohibits providers from using the law as a legal defense for refusing to provide services, goods, facilities or accommodations. It also bars discrimination based on factors that include race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or United States military service."

No, it doesn’t. It only does the first part, preventing this law from overriding local anti-discrimination laws. As the governor and legislators promised, they didn’t add sexual orientation and gender identity to the state antidiscrimination law. Lousy reporting AP.

The very first Monday the Final Four is over, how much you wanna bet Pence will get a bill from the Indiana Congress changing it right back to where it was.

I think that was his second act. Remember a few months ago he tried to start his own news service. Hopefully his third act will be declining to run for reelection.

Kinder, gentler discrimination is still discrimination and obviously is still the goal of Indiana’s lawmakers.
Pence just about couldn’t have been a bigger weasel and more cowardly and that is what this has brought out, the real Pence.

In the end, Pence completely knocked himself out of any chance at higher office or at having a decent legacy and Indiana gets labeled as a hater state that needs to be added to the places not to visit list.