Discussion for article #232569
an understandable misunderstanding based on some internal communications that I read about in the press…we’ll be clarifying that in the days ahead."
A bystander’s bystander, don’t you know…a better chance of his First Lady hitting the nuclear button.
Oh yes, how can we retool our message to deceive the voters into thinking this is anything but a propaganda factory? Hmm, I know, lets hire Fox to run the marketing campaign. When you want to deceive the public, hire a professional.
Oh no! but why?? I was so looking forward to radio fuckery.
an understandable misunderstanding
You mean like “known unknowns”?
These guys are so funny. But not in a haha kind of way, since people’s lives are negatively impacted by all this nonsense.
“Indiana Gov. Mike Pence ® appeared walk back his plans”
Sure, Gov. Pence’s state-run news would distort and deceive, but maybe it would adhere to commonly accepted grammatical conventions, unlike TPM.
Propaganda Pence:
I sincerely regret that my plans for a taxpayer-funded propaganda agency were revealed to the public. I promise that there will be no taxpayer funds used to write propaganda pieces for my administration or my undeclared campaign for national office. Outside writers will be paid by a Koch-funded group to write the propaganda, and state employees and funds will put them on letterhead as written and send them out to the media and public.
Be nice, or Josh will appear in the comments to spank you for being mean to the TPM copy editor, Yoda.
An “understandable misunderstanding.” Just a prelude to great journalism to come.
This is heartbreaking news. I was kind of hoping you guys would lay off him until it went live.
Does he not already have his own website that fits the description he is giving now?
Just IN - Governor Pence denies plans released to media ever existed and you’re not even reading about it here because Just IN was never a real idea or anything, move along…