Discussion: Indiana Businesses Urge GOP To Clarify Religious Freedom Law

Discussion for article #234849

Keep the pressure up. There is a time limit as the State Legislature adjures at the end of April.


While it is always amusing to watch the Wall Street Wing of the GOP deal with the “Deliverance” Wing of the GOP, I do hope they can remove this law, and, if possible, the stigma of hatred and bigotry that this law has brought to Indiana.


“By immediately enacting new legislation that makes it clear that neither the Religious Freedom Restoration Act nor any other Indiana law can be used to justify discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity, our state’s elected leaders can provide the reassurance to the people of our state, our nation and the world that is needed at this critical moment,” they wrote.

Boy, you guys sure know how to take all the fun out of bigotry!


“…our state’s elected leaders can provide the reassurance…”

That’s easy.

People who don’t donate to the Republican Party are second-class citizens who deserve to be punished.

By the way, business owner, haven’t seen any checks from you lately…

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Thought only 36% of the Indiana electorate were in charge Eh ?Hope this is an omen for 2016 elections especially in the House and Senate.Living in that bubble will shock everytime.

“WASHINGTON – Indiana’s Republican leaders said they were shocked,
confused and completely caught off-guard by the backlash to their new
“religious freedom” law, telling reporters Monday that they had not
expected criticism calling the measure anti-gay. “I don’t think
anyone anticipated that the characterization of the bill would be, this
denies to services to a specific class to Hoosiers. It does just the
opposite. It includes all Hoosiers in the religious freedom standard.
And it’s a misperception that it denies services,” said Indiana state
House Speaker Brian Bosma ® during a Monday morning press conference
with Indiana Senate President Pro Tem David Long ®. Long
acknowledged that the GOP-controlled legislature did not work with
lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights groups on crafting the
language of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act because the lawmakers
didn’t think the bill would affect that community.”


Bosma, Long and Pence are all going straight to Hell.


“By immediately enacting new legislation that makes it clear that neither the Religious Freedom Restoration Act nor any other Indiana law can be used to justify discrimination based upon sexual orientation or gender identity…”
If they can’t use it to discriminate, I miss the point of the law.


The point of that law sure isn’t missing the bullseye these pols put on their states back.

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So much for the theories of the brain trusts that trot out the false equivalence that sending a message to the state of Talibandiana that America will not do business there amounts to bigotry in like measure. That’s the line Pence used to defend his bigotry – playing the victim card – and presumes that tolerance means that America should tolerate bigots. It’s refreshing to know that most of America finds that proposition ridiculous.


T-O-U-C-H-E ! In Caps BTW :+)

The Wall Street Wing of the GOP had better stop funding the “Deliverance” Wing if they are going to have any hope of doing that. The voters of Indiana have show that they are perfectly willing to indulge hatred and bigotry.

On the other hand, a poster just noted that Indiana has a low rate of voting – maybe their own politicians turn them off?


Just did a quick check, and according to the wingnuts themselves (Pillsbury Doughboy impersonator and major fuckwit Todd Starnes, to be exact), you know how many businesses got in trouble nationwide for refusing to serve gay couples?


These wingnuts have listened to their own propaganda for so long, and worked themselves up into such a tizzy over nothing, that they’ve brought an entire large nation’s scorn down on their own heads and potentially cost the state millions and millions of dollars. It’s exactly the same as being such a freaked-out pansy from watching TV that you’re afraid to walk around in suburban America without a gun and you mishandle the thing because you’re an idiot and shoot yourself and end up in the emergency room with a .40 caliber slug having torn up your fat guts and knocked open a couple of major blood vessels. For nothing.

Dear Secular Humanist God, please make this the Wingnut Waterloo. We really can’t go on this way. Amen.


This is outrageous. Corporate America appears to be totally on board with Satan’s Sodomite Agenda. I pity the good Christians of Indiana, who are being hemmed in all sides by the lavender-clad hordes forcing them to annul their heterosexual marriages, marry their dogs, and bake celebratory wedding cakes. The horror, the horror…

No need to “clarify” the law…it is exceedingly clear that passage of this law had a specific intent and now the enablers are finding out how misguided their decision is proving to be…the fury of the backlash is just getting started and it is bipartisan.

Maybe not under THEIR God.

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Good luck getting them to pass anything like that…

No, a clarification is not enough. Nothing short of a full repeal and a public apology or acknowledgement of error will suffice.

More proof that: “MONEY TALKS”.
Hit 'em where it hurts and they WILL CHANGE.

I would like this 10 times if I could.

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