Discussion: India Decriminalizes Homosexuality; Strikes Down Colonial-Era Law

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Nice first step.


Well, good news! Yay.

Great! Now, let’s get a handle on that scamming problem.

But, otherwise, “honor killings” remain tacitly popular.

Gays, lesbians and other members of our queer community along with people of color know just because it becomes it’s illegal to be abusive towards citizens like us doesn’t mean assholes will suddenly stop being themselves and, at the least, continue to verbally, if not physically, attack us in public and private. Nonetheless it is a positive step in the right direction because full acceptance does not happen overnight and it can’t be mandated by the government because people are going to hold their prejudices no matter what government does. So I’m cautious but optimistic for India’s LGBTQ+ community.


Change takes time. Look at how long racism has stuck around even though the Civil War was over a century and a half ago. All nations have dark stains on their history and current events.