Don’t need conviction. Just need to get it out there and get a few indictments in place.
That same $1000 says the Dems don’t have the stones to impeach.
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff you might want know that she is probably one of the very few people involved in Trump’s inauguration that has actual experience producing big events, events that had to deal with more egotistical people than just the giant orange asshole. SWW is the one that raised the first questions of where was the money being spent, and for what.
Nope, Grisham is the check on Lady Mel. She’s there to do the administration’s dirty work in protecting Melania.
ETTD ! (Everything Trump Touches Dies)
Well…that’s true. I think though that we all put in the work to be able to have this choice. The Dems have it within their power to impeach, hold folks in contempt, and do a public re-enactment of the Mueller Report. That’s Democracy. That’s a sign of a healthy Republic. If we don’t exercise that power, that’s on us. If we’re going to be a full blown Neo fascist republic, I’d rather go down fighting. If the people get a full airing of the Mueller Report and a Trump impeachment and they still want to vote for the guy, so be it. But to not take your best shot and do everything possible to stop Trump before the 2020 vote would be political malfeasance and a strategic and moral failure imho.
Well yeah, you got thrown under the bus. You were working for a Trump. What did you think was going to happen?
Once again proving…everything Donnie touches…DIES. And yet the grifters keep flocking to join the band. Astounding.
As I have said, when Trump won, it was like a giant pile of horse crap erected in DC and every grifter fly in the world was there before he even got sworn in: Prince, DeVos, Price, Nader, Papadopoulos, Pruitt, Pecker, Saudi Princes, Emerati oligarchs, Russians, Israeli practitioners of the dark arts, Cambridge Analytica, Manafort, Gates, Stone, Conway, Carl Ichan, Mnuchin, Navarro, Kudlow, Jay Seculow, and on and on and on. And how many of them today are facing indictment, prison, disbarment, disgrace and ridicule while Donnie blithely hands out “Freedom Medals”, hugs the troops, first responders and the flag and the GOP stands idly by.
500+ US prosecutors agree Mueller found clear evidence of Obstruction on Donnie’s part. GOP? Crickets!!! Nothing here, says Mitch…time to move on.
I suspect that, right from the beginning, they always meant to Wolkoff with much of it.
I have almost as much sympathy for this person as I do for Melania Trump and I almost have as much sympathy for Melania Trump as I do for Donald Trump.
In other words, Ms. Wolkoff can go fuck herself.
You weren’t thrown under the bus, honey. You willingly and gladly crawled under it and worked on the transmission while it was careening down the highway at 187 MPH.
because someone decided to run to the media with hurt feelings and a bruised ego.
She also went to prosecutors with a garbage scow load of damaging information about the skimming, grifting, illegal contributions by both foreign and domestic influence buyers, emolument-related crimes, etc., you sycophantic skank.
And may your little heart be blessed!
They always blame the dirty-work underlings, make them sign an NDA, and then dump them into a non-WH grift. See Schiller, Keith.
I sure hope they (Meli’s staff) keep up the dissing for at least long enough for her, (the aid) to feel the need to vent her frustrations by providing testimony to the prosecutors.
“simply because someone decided to run to the media with hurt feelings and a bruised ego.”
(in drug side effects tone) :
Phrase in no way meant to describe the president or anyone in his administration.
“Have fun propping up the traitors! See you around.”
Hah! beat me to it! Could there possibly be any room at this point?
They may have to order a “stretch” version of the bus. I think the current one is too short for the demand.
Yep, he’s doing exactly what he did in business. Sue, counter sue, stall, lie, cheat, steal, toss people under the bus, etc., etc. He doesn’t like those depositions though.
let’s give them what they want: one of those vulgar stretch limos