Discussion: In Tweets, Trump Baselessly Asserts Carter Page FISA App Shows DOJ, FBI Misconduct

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I guess the same “Trump lies again” headline would get old.


Anytime, Mr. Mueller. Anytime…


That first tweet is at 4:28 AM. Pretty early in the morning to be so “obstructiony” but this guy is clearly a go-getter.


‘Nothing to see here, move along, please…’

It will be the never-ending debate: 'Which came first, the Page/FISA warrant renewal or the ‘Steele dossier’?; repugnicans will never admit/concede.

Let it go.


Trump is attacking the federal judiciary -again. There was no DOJ nor FBI misconduct his own DOJ asked for continued surveillance of Page. Sigh.


Reposting from another thread:

The Carter Page FISA warrant package was released by the Trumpers today. It’s the first time anything like this has ever been made public.

The Page FISA app package was released by the DOJ in relation to a FOIA law suit put forward by the NYT, Judicial Watch and perhaps a few others. Trump started that process by lowering the security classification of this FISA warrant app to help Nunes. However, NYT has given no explanation as to the exact timing of the release. That may indicate that the Trump gov’t decided when to release and how to redact.

It’s a head scratcher as to why the Trumpers think this is good for them. It’s so utterly damning in a way that has never been publicly stated before. The USIC doesn’t view Page a hapless twit, but as an agent of the Russian government who carries out intelligence actions against the US in likely violation of US law (which aligns to many things I’ve written about him. I think of him as the Keyser Söse of this story.).

There are 3 guesses I have here: 1. Carter Page is about to be indicted and the Trumpers want to have a talking point sheet to counter the indictment in the court of Fox propaganda (especially the stuff that references Christopher Steele). 2. Carter Page is about to enter into a plea agreement and cooperate with the Mueller investigation. The Trumpers want to put something out there to discredit the entire FISA process because Christopher Steele and the Dossier are referenced. 3. The Trumpers are putting the Page FISA stuff out to relive the Nunes memo greatest hits and change the narrative in Congress after Peter Strzok beat them like a dog taking out a chew toy. I do hope we are talking about either #1 or #2. Rosenstein has been showing the stones to stick it in the faces of these traitors. Carter Page is a rat f***ing traitor and needs to be prosecuted. I would also enjoy it if he gets charged for espionage related crimes and reveals every US Person he compromised through his activities for Russia.

So here are some key highlights of the Page FISA warrant docs.

  • It feels like 75% of it is redacted, but there’s still valuable stuff here.
  • The FISA warrant was approved for times for 90 day periods each. The first one was approved in mid October 2016. It last expired in September 2017. Each one is approved by a foreign intelligence services court Judge, and signed member of the FBI and a member of DOJ. James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, Dana Boente and Andrew McCabe all had their turns at this.
  • Here are some bombshell quotes from the FISA app, stated in a matter of fact way (some emphasis added):

Pg 2 - The target of this application is Carter W. Page, a US person, and an agent of a foreign power, described in detail below.

Pg -4 Carter W. Page…knowingly engage in clandestine intelligence activities (other than intelligence gathering activities) for or on behalf of such foreign power, which activities involved or are about to involve a violation of the criminal statutes of the United States, or knowingly conspires with other persons to engage in such activities and, therefore, is an agent of a foreign power as defined by 50 USC Sec. 1801(b)(2)E)

Pg 4 - The FBI believes Page has been the subject of targeted recruitment by the Russian government.… Undermine and influence the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election in violation of US criminal law. Pages of former foreign policy adviser to a candidate for US Pres. (Candidate #1) (That’s Donald Trump btw).

Pg 8 - the FBI believes that the Russian Government’s efforts are being coordinated with Page and perhaps other individuals associated with Candidate #1’s campaign (Trump).

Page had established relationships and was recruited by with RU intel officers years before joining the Trump campaign. Those contacts are described in detail (again redacted). The 3 spies he connected with were Buryakov, Podobnyy and Sporyshev. Buryakov was arrested and pleaded guilty in 2015 to a violation of the same law that Butina has been charged with (conspiring to act in the US as an agent of Russia without providing notice to the AG). He served 30 months.

George Papadopolous also makes an appearance in this FISA warrant with a footnote. Much of it is redacted but it seems as if Papado is referenced to give context to the need to investigate Russian interference in the US elections. There is a detailed retelling of the Wikileaks role in releasing HRC emails and how this violated US law.

There is also a detailed reference to “Source #1” which appears to be Christopher Steele and his dossier. This is probably the stuff that Hannity and co will focus on and say 'see here…there’s the proof! they relied on Steele to investigate Trump. It’s corrupt! Witch hunt!"

The unredacted portion FISA Doc makes specific reference to Steele’s source who stated that Igor Divyekin who met secretly with Page in early July 2016 and told him that the Russians had a dossier of ‘kompromat’ on HRC and the possibility of it being released to the Trump campaign. Well, we know that Papadopoulos was also told this by Josef Mifsud and Ivan Timofeev in April 2016 and that Donald Trump Jr. was told this by Yuri Chaika (Russia’s public prosecutor) through the Agalarov family.

The unredacted portions also go into great detail on the news articles which highlighted Page’s role and the distance that the Trump campaign tried to get from him (implying that they knew he was up to no good and needed some distance).

In addtition, there are what seems like two pages of redactions which outline the potential statutory violations committed by Page (P. 32-34).

In short, this doc is lit. I’d love to see the fully unredacted version, but the FBI believed that Page was dangerous long before Trump was elected President. They had him as one of their top suspects in respect of potential legal violations as a result of the Russian interference campaign.


Contrary to Nunes, as Lawfare’s David Kris noted, “the footnote disclosing Steele’s possible bias takes up more than a full page in the applications, so there is literally no way the FISA Court could have missed it.”

I see the problem here, the footnote is longer than Nunes’ attention span.


The Carter Page FISA warrant package was released by the Trumpers today. It’s the first time anything like this has ever been made public.

It’s a head scratcher as to why the Trumpers think this is good for them. It’s so utterly damning in a way that has never been publicly stated before. The USIC doesn’t view Page a hapless twit, but as an agent of the Russian government who carries out intelligence actions against the US in likely violation of US law (which aligns to many things I’ve written about him. I think of him as the Keyser Söze of this story.).

There are 3 guesses I have here: 1. Carter Page is about to be indicted and the Trumpers want to have a talking point sheet to counter the indictment in the court of Fox propaganda (especially the stuff that references Christopher Steele). 2. Carter Page is about to enter into a plea agreement and cooperate with the Mueller investigation. The Trumpers want to put something out there to discredit the entire FISA process because Christopher Steele and the Dossier are referenced. 3. The Trumpers are putting the Page FISA stuff out to relive the Nunes memo greatest hits and change the narrative in Congress after Peter Strzok beat them like a dog taking out a chew toy. I do hope we are talking about either #1 or #2. Rosenstein has been showing the stones to stick it in the faces of these traitors. Carter Page is a rat f***ing traitor and needs to be prosecuted. I would also enjoy it if he gets charged for espionage related crimes and reveals every US Person he compromised through his activities for Russia.

So here are some key highlights of the Page FISA warrant docs.

  • It feels like 75% of it is redacted, but there’s still valuable stuff here.
  • The FISA warrant was approved for times for 90 day periods each. The first one was approved in mid October 2016. It last expired in September 2017. Each one is approved by a foreign intelligence services court Judge, and signed member of the FBI and a member of DOJ. James Comey, Sally Yates, Rod Rosenstein, Dana Boente and Andrew McCabe all had their turns at this.
  • Here are some bombshell quotes from the FISA app, stated in a matter of fact way (some emphasis added):

Pg 2 - The target of this application is Carter W. Page, a US person, and an agent of a foreign power, described in detail below.

Pg -4 Carter W. Page…knowingly engage in clandestine intelligence activities (other than intelligence gathering activities) for or on behalf of such foreign power, which activities involved or are about to involve a violation of the criminal statutes of the United States, or knowingly conspires with other persons to engage in such activities and, therefore, is an agent of a foreign power as defined by 50 USC Sec. 1801(b)(2)E)

Pg 4 - The FBI believes Page has been the subject of targeted recruitment by the Russian government.… Undermine and influence the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election in violation of US criminal law. Pages of former foreign policy adviser to a candidate for US Pres. (Candidate #1) (That’s Donald Trump btw).

Pg 8 - the FBI believes that the Russian Government’s efforts are being coordinated with Page and perhaps other individuals associated with Candidate #1’s campaign (Trump).

Page had established relationships and was recruited by with RU intel officers years before joining the Trump campaign. Those contacts are described in detail (again redacted). The 3 spies he connected with were Buryakov, Podobnyy and Sporyshev. Buryakov was arrested and pleaded guilty in 2015 to a violation of the same law that Butina has been charged with (conspiring to act in the US as an agent of Russia without providing notice to the AG). He served 30 months.

George Papadopolous also makes an appearance in this FISA warrant with a footnote. Much of it is redacted but it seems as if Papado is referenced to give context to the need to investigate Russian interference in the US elections. There is a detailed retelling of the Wikileaks role in releasing HRC emails and how this violated US law.

There is also a detailed reference to “Source #1” which appears to be Christopher Steele and his dossier. This is probably the stuff that Hannity and co will focus on and say 'see here…there’s the proof! they relied on Steele to investigate Trump. It’s corrupt! Witch hunt!"

The unredacted portion FISA Doc makes specific reference to Steele’s source who stated that Igor Divyekin who met secretly with Page in early July 2016 and told him that the Russians had a dossier of ‘kompromat’ on HRC and the possibility of it being released to the Trump campaign. Well, we know that Papadopoulos was also told this by Josef Mifsud and Ivan Timofeev in April 2016 and that Donald Trump Jr. was told this by Yuri Chaika (Russia’s public prosecutor) through the Agalarov family.

The unredacted portions also go into great detail on the news articles which highlighted Page’s role and the distance that the Trump campaign tried to get from him (implying that they knew he was up to no good and needed some distance).

In addtition, there are what seems like two pages of redactions which outline the potential statutory violations committed by Page (P. 32-34).

In short, this doc is lit. I’d love to see the fully unredacted version, but the FBI believed that Page was dangerous long before Trump was elected President. They had him as one of their top suspects in respect of potential legal violations as a result of the Russian interference campaign.

Update: The Page FISA app package was released by the DOJ in relation to a FOIA law suit put forward by the NYT, Judicial Watch and perhaps a few others. Trump started that process by declassifying this warrant to help Nunes. However, NYT has given no explanation as to the exact timing of the release. That tells me that the Trump gov’t decided when to release and how to redact.


Thanks for the knowledge! :v:


The truth is exactly the opposite. The FISA app shows the blatant lies Trump’s lackey Nunes has been telling Americans. Trump, of course, has no option but to double down on the lie because he’s at war with the IC. They know everything, it’s very damning, and he knows it.


Thanks for the excellent run-down, Mr. Shuham (@mattshuham). I’m especially glad you included a reference to the latest from David Kris.


Breaking not news…

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a series of early-morning tweets on Sunday, Donald J. Trump demanded that the Russian national anthem be played before every National Football League game and that all N.F.L. players stand during the performance.

Trump asserted that playing the Russian anthem was a “necessary gesture of good will from the USA to our No. 1 ally,” and that “any player who refuses to stand for the Russian antem [sic] hates America!”

Seeming to double down on his demand, Trump tweeted that all N.F.L. players must remain standing while the color guard unfurls the flag of the Russian Federation.

Trump’s insistence that football players stand for the Russian anthem appeared to come as a surprise to the director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats, who first heard about it while appearing at a security forum, in Bethesda, Maryland.

“What kind of fucking bullshit is this?” Coats said, later saying that he meant no disrespect by that remark.

Trump Demands That N.F.L. Players Stand During Russian National Anthem


I’m trying to figure out which mindset Trump is relying in tweeting his analysis of the released FISA Warrant.

Trump either knows he’s lying or he’s incapable of reading and comprehending what he has read!


He’s got to start early to get out ahead of the Sunday morning shows.

It’s tv all the time with him. It’s all he knows.


One really has to wonder what has scared Trump so badly this time.


Holding the hard-core primary voting trumpanzees means he keeps holding the quisling repugnican congress hostage


Maybe someone sent him the iphone replay of MGhadaffi being ‘sanctioned’ by his own people. :smirk:


Page: I am a victim of Obama Administration’s overreach. I have to be pardoned. KGB will vouch for my patriotism.


It’s become very clear that Trump is told what to think.