Discussion: In TV Ad, Wife Touts McConnell's Support For Violence Against Women Act, But That's Not The Full Story

Discussion for article #225977

It’s no surprise that Chao is as reliably mean, unethical, dishonest, and eager to be divisive as her husband.


McConnell is ahead with the hillbillies who have land line phones.


Elaine Chao = the good Republican wife = a Stepford up until they find out hubby has been banging the intern. Then they become disgraced and embarrassed by their hubby’s policies of war on women and anyone that is not a rich old fat white dude.

McConnell has a reputation and history in DC…when will he be exposed?


Mitch needs to come out from under his wife’s skirts and tell his own lies.


Even people in Kentucky know Mcconnell is a smarmy little turtle.They just hate O and the left more.Hopefully that will soon change

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A ‘break it and complain salad,’ but it is only that with a bald-faced lie on top.

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Good inference.

OT but, recall the scene in The Day After Tomorrow when the kid heads to a pay phone to call his Dad?

When last we had a large quake here, our land line phone was working fine but the entire region had cell interruption, and we were able to call a shop in Santa Monica to hold a small battery powered TV for us.

We keep that line for what if.

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The response ad will write itself.


Just using your own wife to bolster lies and deceit is violence against a woman, not to mention the vicious behavior against his opponent.


Republicans, conservatives and teabaggers lie because they have to. It is the same reason that they cheat during elections with various voter suppression activities.
They cannot win without doing so.


Chao was always a right wing liar and manipulator and she’s nothing but a distraction


This tells you that their polling is showing how badly they’re doing with women. Plus the governor of Kentucky is a HUGE ACA supporter and their Kynect (?) exchange is a model for the rest of the state exchanges. Since they have a Democratic governor and even Republicans seem to hate McConnell, I’m cautiously optimistic that Grimes can pull it out, albeit in a very close race.

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Sahil is being WAY too kind to McConnell. McConnell is having his wife lie for him, which should be a surprise to no one. Since when is a wife going to get up and say, “My husband lies like a cheap fucking rug and doesn’t give a shit about domestic abuse of women.” Not going to happen. Also, McConnell proposed VAWA but then voted against it. On two other recorded votes, he voted against extending the act. No hedging on this.


So, the headline should read: " Former Anti-Labor Secretary Elaine Chao Vouches for Lying Husband Over His Recorded Votes Against Women."

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Regardless what YOU say, Mrs. mcCON. Your husbands voting record, speaks truthfully for itself!!

Which proves YOU and YOUR husband are nothing but lying sacks of crap!!

Isn’t the fact that your husband is making you lie for him, abuse itself?

You should probably know that there are those of us who consider that word “hillbillies,” when used by persons not from the Appalachians or Ozarks, to be the moral equivalent of an ethnic slur. It’s a way for one group of people to denigrate another group that has been historically economically and politically oppressed as being genetically and culturally inferior degenerates. And it’s particularly galling because of the way people who would punish their kids for dropping an N-bomb feel free to use it, since the persons about whom they use it are usually politically opposed to them, i.e. the same way conservatives feel free to use ethnic slurs when they are talking among themselves.

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The Grimes campaign blasted the new ad in a statement on Tuesday.

Screw a bunch of statements. If you can’t turn it around into a commercial within 48 hours, all blasting out a “statement” does is leave your communications people feeling very pleased with themselves for no reason, and with no gain, whatsoever.