Where’s the democratic part of his so called position and history as a democrat? He just sounds like a never trumper.
Great Day in the Morning (Joe), the Trumpublicans have an alternate to Donnie. May they vote for him in droves.
(The Democratic Party needn’t worry about this clown.)
(Current stockholders of Starbucks might worry, though.)
I have no doubt that Schultz has gotten a “soliciation” from Warren, almost every person who has ever given to the Democrats at some point is on the list, and her name is often attached to those appeals.
Do I think that he got a personal one-on-one pitch from her? Highly, Highly, highly unlikely.
He is likely lying, in that what happened was he was at an event where she sought to raise money.
This is probably a 2 Pinocchio on the Post scale.
He’s a dick…always has been…with all his success in business, he has always been a wannabe…For fun, GOOGLE Howard Schultz and Driveway…we were incensed.
In Trumpian Move, Schultz Volunteered Story Of Rejecting Warren’s Donation Request
How endearing.
If this loser keeps babbling for another two days, I will be selling my SBUX stock. Asshole.
Yeah, no kidding. “Lifelong Democrat?” I loved Warren’s takedown of him yesterday—a billionaire who wants to run for president and his first policy position is “No new taxes on billionaires.”
Man, for someone who needs Democratic votes, he’s really pushing all of the wrong buttons, isn’t he? There just isn’t much more damage anyone could do to him than he’s already done to himself.
Edited to add that we know he already has campaign advisers. Are any of them competent? Is he listening? Or is he, like Trump, so absolutely convinced of his overwhelming abilities in all areas that he’s ignoring them?
Since he’s branding himself as the “centrist” in this race, I look forward to never hearing his anecdote about pwning a conservative.
Shorter Schultz: I believe Warren is a socialist, and if my money has anything to say about it, America will believe it too.
Schultz: Can’t I just buy my way back to the days when extreme right wing Republicans were seen as the good centrists they are, and Democrats kept their mouths shut?
“Centrist” is code for Chickenshit Republican. Always.
So, if he cannot actually run a viable campaign, he thinks that he can at least take Warren down a notch. Sorry, Mr. Schultz, your claim is neither accepted nor useful. She has something you apparently have trouble understanding. Warren has a track record that grants her some credibility.
OMG, not socialism. In my opinion this country could use a healthy dose of socialism. I hope this ultra rich nincompoop goes away soon.
This EBA* can’t possibly go away soon enough.
On the bright side, he readily provides us with a business we can all easily boycott.
“A lot of people are saying he’ll open up thousands of campaign offices all over the world, many of them across the street from each other.”
— seen on Twitter.
*“Egotistical, billionaire asshole.”
Oh, goody, just what we need, another thin skinned wealthy narcissist businessman with zero experience in politics. (Just curious, did he ever have to answer to a board of directors or is he like Individual-1 in this aspect too?)
After Trumpenburg goes down in flames, I sincerely doubt anyone with an ounce of sanity is going to want Spankee v.2 …
(And, yes, I realize there are a lot of people out there who are off their rockers.)
Time to boycott Starbucks.
Have I told you about the time I said “No” to a certain financier? I turned her down. Without any hesitation. Even when she assured me that it was urgent that I lower my credit card payments - but that there was no problem with my current credit card account.
Turned her down cold.
I wish to formally state on the record that I, too, have been solicited for a campaign contribution by Elizabeth Warren.
And, as is the case with Schultz, that information is of absolutely no consequence and nobody gives a shit.