The world needs more good people like this man.
The perfect antidote to Trump and the so called religious freedom advocates here in the states like Family research council etc.
Agreed. Of course, the truth is that the world is generally filled with people like him. The violent haters are a tiny minority, kept alive by a gargantuan disinformation machine that spews hate and propaganda to keep folks distracted while the rich hoard money.
Without Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, the NRA, and Fox working tirelessly to create animus, none of this would be necessary. And the GOP is now just another arm of the Kocktopus.
The Republican party is a terrorist organization.
Liked x millions.
There are so many more people who want to do the right things than who don’t. People want to be good and like you said, most people are. Most people run to help when there is some kind of emergency event. Just everyday people will stop on a highway and pull someone out of a burning car because that’s what humans do.
Just about the time I’m convinced that ’ there is no god ’ …
This kinda stuff happens —
Newsmaxx, one america news, Sinclair broadcasting, they have a lot of megaphones
Darn. Moisture in the eyes. Seasonal allergies no doubt.
Speaking of Jones, Alex Jones heard a story about him on This American Life. I think I’ve found Trump’s speech pattern coach. or Trump is way more easily influenced for a man of his age. Before this radio piece I’d only heard clips of Jones speaking, turns out he and Trump share the same vocabulary and sentence (really just fragments strung together) structure.
I think in this case it’s not a question of God but Mr. Rogers. There are the helpers in this world, way more helpers than we know.
Maybe we should have a Mr. Rogers’s Appreciation Day, and we can all wear our cardigans.
This is a good man. So was Mr. Rogers.
quit steppin’ on my snark …
What in the hell do you have against cardigans?
really ? …
Have you ever tried changing your oil in one of those ? ? …
Fuckin A, right.
Did anyone else also see that column a couple of days ago in the WAPO by the Dalai Lama? Excellent message.
I’ll admit it…brought a tear to my eye.
Now…this made my eyes water…
I really needed to see this. Thank you Mr. Graystone! OX
I’m sure Mr. Rogers had the appropriate clothing to change the oil or rotate the tires in one’s automobile.