Discussion for article #243323
these guys are criminally stupid. they endanger the health and viability of the world and take pride in it. supposedly intelligent people continue to mouth “the science is not proven” mantra. minds that don’t want to believe something become frozen in their intrangsigence.
There is -literally and factually- ONLY ONE group on the planet who deny climate change; the US Republic Party.
Canada and the rest of the modern world will -as with all but number of guns, income inequality and number of own citizens incarcerated- keep on surging ahead, leaving America in the dust.
The President has been saying this for years. What a thankless job he has with these knuckldraggers
One small quibble: the proposed EPA regulations may ameliorate our great- grandchildren’s lives. The climate change that will impact our children’s and grandchildren’s lives are already locked in.
Republicans have been secretly investing in gondola manufacturing companies —
If a republican does not “believe” science ask him/her to step out a 7th story window and prove the theory of gravity wrong. Or explain away the theory of of relativity by denying that the atom bomb worked.
I agree that those republicans are criminally stupid.
WASHINGTON (AP) — As President Barack Obama worked to hammer out a
global climate agreement in Paris, Republicans in Congress moved to
block his plan to force steep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions from U.S.
power plants.
I take it then that those who voted against Obama’s plan don’t give a shit about breathing let alone breathing clean oxygenated air. Breathing air polluted by coal emissions is one of several causes of lung cancer. I guess lung cancer is a feature for republicans and not a bug. Some republican members should take a trip to Beijing and check out that cities air.
We should remember that what you see in this video is air that will end up over America within a few days/weeks. To pollution there are no national borders.
“And Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., said he wished Obama took the threat posed by “radical jihadists” such as the Islamic State as seriously as he takes what Duncan called a “pseudoscientific threat” posed by climate change.”
Said the man who not once has said anything about passing an AUMF against ISIS.
Not only is this congress anti-American they are also anti-Earth. What some people won’t do for money.
The Republicans would love science if it proved what they wanted it to prove, buuuuut, those damned tests keep coming out in exact opposition to what makes them money, so science bad.
Seriously, the Repubs should be serving coal for dinner, snorting smog and ingesting factory farm feces according to what they believe but can’t prove.
The O-zone is 'O’bama wrecking their well laid plans. And they were just getting the pollution just about the way that they wanted it too, awww-poor Repubs.