Good post. I’m so ambivalent toward Sen Get Off My Lawn. I must respect his service to his country, but his behavior in ofc and toward Obama during the campaign was disgraceful. He will never forget or forgive that Negro Man for whipping his ass.
As far as I can tell, he’s had this checkered career where he occasionally does something pretty laudable, then falls down with something just as contemptible. That one time when he told the woman at the rally that Obama was a good man, he seemed suddenly taken aback at the hatred he himself had unleashed. We seek to characterize people in general ways, but all you can say with him really is he’s erratic. Awful today, not that bad tomorrow, you just can’t count on it one way or the other.
In Recording, McCain Admits Trump Could Hurt His Chances In November
Well, Johnny, how is retirement looking?
So you saying that the fear of him getting elected is irrational and contrary to probabilities and forecasts by guys like Nate Silver?
The Spouse is deeply cynical and it’s my job to be the sunshine that permeates his darkest thoughts.
Too bad, so sad.
It couldn’t happen to a nicer piece of deadwood.
I remember him saying " Build the dang wall." So Trump & he are on the same page.
He has this in common with Trump: he’ll tall people what he thinks they want to hear. Did he ever correct any birthers after that lady? Did he reign in “Pal-ing around with terrorists” Palin?
Well, he reined her in the night of his concession speech, but of course it was a little late by then. : )