I thought it was 11 houses – does he own the other 4?
All these pols who say they’re going to support trumpf are IMO saying it because they must. They can’t disavow him because trumpf’s people are everywhere, but what they do when the have ballot in front of them is another matter.
She also has a plane and flies herself around. Why would she want to stick around with the original grumpy old man.
I didn’t count the ones owned by trusts.
I think this may be the one thing that Democrats and the GOP base can both cheer for. Bringing America together.
Ah. Damn, it must be nice. That said, I’d much rather be poor and keep my integrity intact. I like sleeping well at night.
That’s cute, McCain actually believes he still has a chance in the first place.
The reason McCain’s chances of winning are down aren’t because of Trump, they’re because of Trump’s voters, all 10.5 million of them. The problem is with the Republican party, not who it chose to be it’s leader and spokesperson.
I’m entertaining the increasingly optimistic hope that come Election Day, the only ones who will actually vote for Mr Tump will he his hardcore base.
All of these people who have publicly supported, or at least accepted, him in a CYA fashion, will either not vote, or will vote for Soon-To-Be-Elected-Presidnt Clinton.
Wouldn’t it be sweet for Mr Trump to look around on Election Day and find that only a small minority of professed supporters actually vote for him, and that he drags the GOP kicking and screaming out of the Senate & House also.
frankly there’s an element of nativism in it as well
Gee. Ya think?
Retire from politics John and go work for some charity that actually does some good in the world.
McCain Admits Trump Could Hurt His Chances In November
Sorry, John, it’s not all about you. Trump will hurt the chances of anyone down-ballot from him in November.
Or, to put it another way, Donald Trump will do for your Senate campaign what Sarah Palin did for your Presidential campaign.
I miss Jerry.
I posted earlier @mattinpa that there are ongoing lively discussions here at home because of the possibility of (dog forgive me) this man winning. We know about electoral map favorability, too many groups including women, people of color, etc., being turned off to vote for him, increasing Latino registration, etc. And while The Spouse is also a staunch Democrat he is also more cynical than I and reminded me of this surprise from years ago.
she might get tired of following his drool and spittle trails he leaves around on the carpet and furniture and his forgetting to put the lid down as well as missing a lot and leaving yellow marks on the floor…
GOOD RIDDANCE you complete waste of our senate seat.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch this old fool is supporting trump!
“I’m a loyal Republican,” McCain said, “I believe the best way to shape the agenda of the next president of the United States is to be part of the team and make my influence felt as strongly as possible.”
You know that tired old slogan he spews “country first” f@ck that, it’s PARTY FIRST for this old re-puke!
She survived the Palin family visiting. She can survive anything.
Quadruple dip.
Don’t forget, he released his taxes while running for pres…I seem to remember that he claimed income of $35K from social security!
I would so love to see Hillary and Ann win!
Double shot election night!