Remember, only the best people!
So Haley gets thrown under the bus for Trump’s inability to hold a consistent thought for more than a minute. Something tells me that her refusal to let the bus run over her will not go over well with our fake president.
Haley is the one member of Trump administration with a separate base of support and who has been gunning for 2020 nomination since day one. I wonder how hard Trump will try to turn her into a wraith.
The GOP is just trolling America at this point. I mean, it can’t really be called gaslighting when the lies are so blatant.
Kudlow is in over his head. He is what happens when a stupid man thinks TV talking heads actually know something.
And what about over a decades worth of bs inflation projections and hack shots at the CBO you lying weasel ?
I’m kinda wondering what Haley has on someone. Because she’s pushing back as if she didn’t care. And Kudlow is a non-entity, but still not enough of a non-entity that he needs to call to apologize.
Being a GOP economist requires never even coming close to getting a single goddamn thing right
I’m not ordinarily a fan of Ms. Haley, but for this smackdown, I’ve gotta say: Brava, Madam Ambassador!
And BTW, Where the hell did you get that gawdawful suit, Larry?
Kudlow told reporters during a briefing in Florida that Haley “got ahead of the curve”
No one has ever accused Kudlow of being ahead of the curve.
Trump: I know she was confused. She always is. That’s because she had that blood coming out from where-ever.
And Haley comes of well in this cohort. that’s really a bad sign.
I think she understands that Trump doesn’t have any interest in the UN and what happens there.
So why was Kudlow even talking about Haley’s comments. From what I’ve read (skimmed) Mnuchin is the head of what and who would be added to a sanctions list, so why did Kudlow open his mouth?
What I’m wondering is how she got the job in the first place. I don’t think she’s ever been a Fox News contributor. Maybe Trump saw her on a talk show when she was governor. You’d think Trump’s natural pick for Ambassador to the UN would be Sarah Palin, what with all her foreign policy experience and all.
No way am I a fan of Haley, but her busting of balls and forcing an apology is admirable.
So Kudlow did not admit to being confused?
Before she went to the UN Haley had as much foreign policy experience as Palin. Unless you count that she couldn’t see Russia from her house.
From the same outlet store that Cohen got his hideous plaid blazer?