Discussion: In Philly, Bernie Sanders Supporters Threaten To Steal Show From Clinton

Bernie really needs to tell them in unequivocal terms “Knock it the fuck off”


It’s alllllll about them, isn’t it?


Man up and form a third party. Bunch of damned whining nihilists. Put your money and words and effort where your mouth is. If the Democrat Party is such a damned cesspool of centrist schemers leave and run on your own ticket.


This was always going to be the case. Anyone who thought otherwise was not paying attention. Al Giordano posted something this morning that really resonated with me.

Stop fretting over whether there are boos or small disruptions tonight. There will be & they won't matter at all. Don't give them power.

— Al Giordano (@AlGiordano) July 25, 2016

of course it was

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Petulent children. Most of us at TPM share Bernies leftism and policies but have no patience with this whining. Berners: run for office or support progressive cadidates in your home town.


to mangle an observation from a wise man

Bernie is just the vessel at this point.


Look disagreements are good. Pushing positions in a broad party is good. But when elections are done, and platforms have been shaped it time to move on. Its called being an adult.

You also have to really questions statements like this one:

Zapata said he felt other delegates were judging his Sanders swag and looking down on him, but he countered that he was still feeling a lot anxiety about the fact that “a madman like Donald Trump is reaching out for the progressive vote more than Hillary Clinton is.”

How do I take anyone who says this seriously? Trump is reaching out for progressive votes? Did someone redefine progressive when I was sleeping?

@365daysofhorror: I think this is about the die-hards, the magical thinkers that think a “savior” exists in one person or in one idea. They are usually can’t be bothered with the reality of hard work of change. They are like the lefts version of Trump supporters, Bernie of the idea of Bernie will fix it all and no one else. Its a cult of personality, even if the personality itself moves on.


A small blue sign hung above a podium said it all: “Bernie Delegates Network for Political Revolution.”

Donald Trump: “That sign doesn’t scare me…”

“I want to use the monetary metaphor,” Norman Solomon, the executive director of the Bernie Delegates Network, told reporters Monday morning. “The Bernie Sanders campaign has been a fantastic boost for progressive, social movements. … Those powerful forces will endure and grow. It’s now about money. This campaign is disappearing. It’s just about become history, but it’s leaving money that we’re gonna grow a lot out of.”

somewhat fixed

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Bernie could tell them from the podium to knock it off and get behind Clinton and they’d boo HIM off the stage. It’s a drunken mob now, and the guy in the bar that whipped them into falling out into the street and starting a riot is a mere afterthought. Once the gasoline is lit the match is no longer needed.


Positively brill. Don’t try to gain control of a huge, established apparatus — like the rightists have done. Instead, go out in the woods and rub sticks together.


As I was saying at lunch today…

“As is the case with all revolutionary leaders, the actual man has disappeared, replaced by the 12 ft tall, bronze Adonis, who can shoot lightning from his eyes and reduces his enemies to ash with fireballs from his finger tips… I bet they wouldn’t even recognize Bernie if he was standing in front of them at this point.”


Pretty awesome when progressives see a ratfuck operation by Trump as “reaching out” to them.


“Zapata said he felt other delegates were judging his Sanders swag and looking down on him”

Take your fucking meds and call your fucking shrink.

Jesus…what the fuck kind of complex are these people suffering?

No, you know what…you know why they’re giving you funny fucking looks? Because they know you haven’t let any of this shit go and that you’re planning to cause a fucking mess! STOP!


he’s a useful idiot

Trump isn’t for single payer (his fingers can’t reach that far) and the idea of a living wage dies with a GOP majority…


Trump is no madman, if he sees how stupid some leftists are.
I wouldn’t say I was never that naïve, but I was never dumb like Zapata.


“I want to use the compost metaphor.”

So do I.

But not in the same sense you do.


His supporters just booed him on national TV when he said he supports Clinton.


strangely one could have used your example for Lenin and Stalin.

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