Discussion for article #226871
I wonder how the taxpayers of Greece, NY, feel about having their hard-earned money going towards defending lawsuits. I hope they like it, because there’s another one warming up in the bullpen.
Greece has adopted an invocation policy that excludes non-religious citizens and potentially shuts out faiths that aren’t well-established in the town
Clear-cut religious bigotry.
Elections have consequences. No Ralph Nader, no victory in Florida for George W. Bush. No victory in Florida, no President George W. Bush. No President Bush, no Justices Alito and Roberts. No Alito and Roberts, no Citizens United and no Hobby Lobby.
So many TeaXians
…but a/gnostics-theists are working on a better strain of lion,
In yet another 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court again voted to destroy the United States.
Who needs another terrorist attack when the RightWingers are doing exactly what OBL intended?
I have no problem with Christians who want to practice their religion AT HOME or IN CHURCH. If they want to practice it in government settings, however, I have a request: first REVOKE THE ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE OF THE FIRST FUCKING AMENDMENT. This is not repeat not a “Christian nation” because the founders specifically said it wasn’t. Clear enough?
Indeed, they know what Christian nuts have known for years:
That our Constitution was founded on the Bible.
…and they don’t even see the parallel between themselves and Islamic theocracies…
Or maybe they do .
They really don’t care.
As an atheist this pisses me off to no end.
But are they really Christians, if they ignore this admonition from Christ?
When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.
—Jesus, Matthew 6.5-6 NLT
P.s. Like how I quoted two Matts in one comment?
Don’t go quoting blasphemous words from some dark-skinned hippie to good, American Christians.
We’re still in the Dark Ages.
This EverSoNew brand of Xianinanity has rewritten the NewTe$tament to reflect their values.
In their version , Je$u$ tumped over the money-changers’ tables NOT because they were defiling the temple but because they were not charging a high enough exchange rate…
Midas 3:16 “for doG so loved his only begotten $on that he sacrificed him on the KochBoys’ altar of greed”
Ralph is off building a museum with his ill gotten gains as a drama queen.
I wonder if Bernie Sanders is listening?
So the great conservative minds are quickly routed by what amounts to a carnie scam. Holy Coke can hair!
That’s between them and their God. But since you ask, this Bible-thumping, power-seeking, loudmouthed bigotry trend isn’t true to the essence of the religion as I understand it. I’ve known, respected, and found much in common philosophically with plenty of people I’d consider real Christians. But you can’t say real Christians don’t do this stuff without getting into the “no true Scotsman” fallacy. So it’s either no religion in the so-called public square or, if you want to loosen that, then you have to be absolutely inclusive. Satanists want to take a turn giving the invocation before the borough council meeting? Fine, sign 'em up.
Inserting religion into town meetings divides people.
Most of us do our jobs without saying a prayer at work. Legislators can, too.
Just say, “This meeting is called to order.”