Didn’t sound convincing, AT ALL.
I asked that they identify 6E material
When you have to obfuscate with inside jargon in order to justify yourself, you are pretty much screwed.
Throw your old friend under the bus for Trump? The loyalty to the Moron is the true mystery for the ages here.
Changing the color of the paint doesn’t make it any easier to get out of the corner.
Liars gonna lie.
What.A.Dick. Full stop.
What complete BS.
But he’s a perfect liar to lie for the biggest liar in history.
So if the executive summaries were vetted for immediate release, it sounds as if Mueller did exactly what Barr asked him to. Hmm.
Maybe the rest of the material could have been better marked, but I’m betting this claim fall apart quickly too.
He sounds desperate – just bouncing from obvious old lies to obvious new ones and undoubtedly pissing off Mueller in the process. I hope this makes Mueller more forthcoming when he testifies before the various House committee, now that it is apparent that Barr is a traitor of the first order.
Excellent. Excellent. The more this sad-sack, lying, washed-up old hump tries to turn things back on Bob Mueller, the more likely it becomes that someone close to Mueller starts leaking some seriously damaging shit.
Oh this is rich. I don’t think you want to get into a bus battle with Mueller, Barr. He ain’t going under yours, that’s for sure. Motherfucker ultimately holds all the cards and could kick off impeachment proceedings with a one-word answer to a very simple question, making it the “yes heard 'round the world”: “Now that AG Barr has indicated that you should have made the determination whether a prosecutable offense, is it your opinion today before this Committee that President Trump committed such an offense?” Go head. Try to throw him under the bus. We dare you.
Muller Bus:
Barr Bus:
JFC. They’ve had weeks to come up with a cover story, and THIS is what they’re going with?
Mind-crushingly stupid and unstrategic. Mueller’s testimony is going to destroy him.
These are people still thinking in the Reagan years, they were NEVER ready for the 21st century
Fortunately for Barr, Mueller won’t be sitting down for congressional testimony any time soon or anything.
I guess the half-life of lies no longer matters. As long as it can seem true for about the same amount of time as a Higgs boson exists in the collider, they’ll trot it out there for a pirouette.
Two Thumbs Down for evil Roger Ebert.
Barr’s blame game started last evening. It’s not my fault. Waah… So not shocking. Mueller gave Barr what could have been released without redaction rather than the summary that was not a summary, Barr’s misleading letter that “summerizes” the Mueller report as completely exonerating Trump.
I expect Barr to be nothing but contemptuous and facetious. Today, he will write the script for his place in history. It won’t be pretty.
So will Lindsey. They are all writing their scripts for their places in history. Every one of them.
I keep thinking barr and Sir Elton John may have been separated at birth. (Apologies to Sir Elton.)