Discussion: In Leaked Docs, Kavanaugh Challenged Whether Roe v. Wade Was 'Settled Law'

Gee, I’m shocked by this revelation. So incredibly shocked. You just can’t believe how unbelievably shocked I am by this. /s

Next we’ll find out that there’s a document showing that Kavanaugh questioned whether the Constitution itself is settled law. Maybe that whole “Washington didn’t want to be king” thing was just a mistake.


Kavanaugh was editing a document that was written by supporters of a conservative judge nominee

This is the key part. Senate Republicans classify as confidential a document written for an extra-governmental organization. Insane bad faith.

Recall that Harris specifically asked Kavanaugh to confirm that the SC can overrule so-called settled precedent, and he was mysteriously flustered.

Terrific that Senate Dems have finally had enough of being played by the Republicans and have ditched, in a controlled way, utterly misplaced institutionalist loyalty. It’s what so many Dem grassroots have been calling for. People are getting arrested, putting their lives on hold, emptying their pockets. It’s great to see some fight and realism from Booker and Co. Props must go to Feinstein, assuming she authorized this strategy.


But but but they said fears about Roe v Wade were just hysterics… now I don’t know what to think. This revelation has changed me and it’s not for the better


For at least this period in history, the behavior of the GOP must be met with stronger action by the Democrats - otherwise we’ll get another Merrick Garland situation, which I still haven’t gotten over. We’ve got to stop being the chumps that the GOP relies on us to be.


The bigger point about this for people saying that its not shocking that he said these things is that it blows away cover for people who said they are for Roe but want to vote for Kavanaugh.


“But what he wrote in published opinions is more indicative of his true beliefs. What he wrote in personal emails to trusted recipients, that he hid so they could not be seen by critics, should carry less weight.”

~Strange Republican People Who, I Guess, Have Never Written an Email to Friends


Kav is doing a lot of ‘busy’ work today….much shuffling of papers, etc… Little hot for ya, sir? Cuz you’re pinker than usual.


No, for all time hence forward the GOP must be met with the withering Truth against the Lies they have perpetrated against the American People, their government, the Nation, and the World. No more should Republican Evil be allowed tto prosper without relentless pushback against their deception.


They must be DESTROYED !


That’s because the good Senator Harris scrubbed his face a little extra hard yesterday … something about coming clean and all.


I hope she follows up on that little morsel of something. Can’t wait to see the shade of red he turns, when that gal gets all uppity on him again.


Quit the leaking and start the flooding – time is running out. When I know more about the second Engineer I just hired than a Supreme Court nominee, something is wrong.


LOL. I just love it when black people get all uppity for a good cause. :joy: (I know, I’m one of those self-hating white people.)


Sen Collins, Sen Murkowski - are you still going to vote to confirm him and show yourselves as hypocrites? Or will you stand up for the women you claim you support? Defining moment here.


Can a Supreme Court Justice be impeached if he is found to have lied to Congress?

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Corey Booker had a great analogy last night. He said, “We have less than ten percent of the requested documents. I wouldn’t even hire an intern with that little information, much less a Supreme Court justice.”


Yes. The process is much the same as impeaching a president.

What I’m hoping is that Kavanaugh’s confirmation fails and then he is impeached and loses his Circuit Court judgeship.


Yeah…since the 1970’s you POS. I am so freakin’ MAD that they hauled women protesters out of the hearing so a bunch of men could determine their fate. SO FKING MAD.


Is anyone else amazed that Republican’ts, who had an entire year to read the Affordable Care Act, but whined like a toddler with a skinned knee that, at 2800 pages, it was just too long, somehow found the time to read 42,000 pages of Kavanaugh documents in a single night?


Yeah, but I’m not holding my breath waiting for the Unicorn Purity Brigade to give any credit to her or Chuck Schumer, since they obviously should have already mounted their trusty steeds, galloped through the Oval Office, and slain the TrumpDragon with their mighty lances.