Ammosexuals, and their many "short"comings. Sad!
Sounds kinda paranoid and afraid, if you ask me. Anything to keep the gummint from doing research on gun violence.
Wow! With that attitude, I think she’s “gunning” to be the next Mrs. Mooch. Either that, or Trump’s next communications director.
Actually, the NRA is just kicking off “Don’t Kill Anybody” weekend festivities…
Baltimore Celebrates ‘Nobody Kill Anybody’ Weekend. Yes, Seriously.
So, how long until the NRA gets listed as an actual terrorist group?
the paranoid, fear-mongering (self-enriching) propaganda coming out of the NRA doesn’t look all that different from recruiting materials published by terror groups.
Missouri has a high tolerance for these kind or people, but with this, is it no wonder she had to move to Texas and the right wing nut job radio in MO dropped her.
It’s time that the White community spoke out and rejected these gangs of gun-laden thugs.
Baltimore: “Don’t kill anybody”
NRA: Don’t kill just anybody!
(make sure they’re (clang!))
You name it…
Geez, all those staff hours spent on the clouds and shadows of the Clinton Foundation and her emails and contemptuously dismissing any discussion of a Trump-Russia tie, and what does Dean Baquet get in return?
A not-too-veiled threat of violence. Such ingrates conservatives are.
Yeah, there’s a guy who never saw a shiny object he didn’t like!
Gotta sell them there gunz. I hear that sales are down since tRump took office. The NRA can’t seem to gin up the same paranoia among those rightwing nutjobs out there now that the Black President is no longer in office I guess.
Someone’s having a sad.
I know this is supposed to be a sign of how terrible everything is, increasing threats to journalists, etc., but I couldn’t stop laughing through this whole thing. They’ve gone completely over into self-parody.
These people are deranged.
I have to resist using the word I really want to call her.
so did she mean #clenchedfiskof truth?
Judging from number of pols on their payroll, my best guess is never, but it should have been done long ago.
You can try ¨asshole¨. Works for any gender, though I admit it lacks some of the BANG, so to speak, of the word you prolly had in mind.
Missouri has a high tolerance for these kind or people
Missouri where there’s an actual travel warning in place for U.S. citizens who are not white…that Missouri?