There’s ol’ Sheriff Ruckus, at it again. He’s got a history of blaming the victims of police violence and those who protest it, and has no shame about that.
Clarke is scheduled to address the Republican National Convention in
Cleveland on Monday for an evening devoted to the theme “Make America
Safe Again.”
And the Republican outreach continues apace.
What the hell is wrong with this guy? Maybe he needs to sit in a quiet room and watch Tim Scott’s speech, if he’s not going to believe any other objective data.
ETA: Thanks, @trnc. I wasn’t aware of that. His may be an impenetrable belief system.
This is a ridiculous argument. Essentially it says, “Any valid criticism should be stifled because a nutcase could take it too far. Just let the authorities do what they want, right or wrong, because even valid criticism leads to violence.”
This guy is not just part of the problem; he is a major part of the problem. The biggest part of the problem is that he can’t see that there is a problem.
These are the two questions every progressive should ask conservatives who say these things?
Why do you expect middle class black people to put up with police misconduct? (Conservatives like to float this idea it’s only blacks “living in the ghetto” who get mistreated)
Why do you expect hard working tax paying blacks to get accept being mistreated by their government?
Clarke has political ambitions. He knows to advance in Wisconsin Republican politics he needs to appeal to white racists in Milwaukee’s suburbs. They are the ones who elected Scott Walker, Paul Ryan and Jim Sensenbrenner.
Completely ignoring the fact that the last 2 shooters were vets who may have had PTSD They both learned in the military how to use weapons ( with apologies to Arlo Guthrie) and how KILL! KILL! KILL!
Heaven forbid someone should address the issue of people who have mental problems being able to obtain assault rifles , large capacity clips and hollow point bullets… because freedom
The Sheriff of Baton Rouge thank goodness didn’t adopt that attitude. He instead was quite elpquent calling for peace and for finding a way to solve the problem,
What I dislike is the headline which makes one presume the Sheriff of Baton Rouge said this when it was this loser from Milwaukee
Agreed. Some loose reporting here. This a**hole is everything that is negative about cops. One cannot apply blanket descriptions to cops or Blacks but there have been simply too many cases of being “shot while Black” to allow this shithead to peddle his bs.
“Clarke is scheduled to address the Republican National Convention in
Cleveland on Monday for an evening devoted to the theme “Make America
Safe Again.”
Good,the world will have a chance to see this asshole,Can’t Wait.
One state that has Ryan, ROJO, Walker, and Clarke, doesn’t say much for the voters in Wisconsin except they are racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic and bigoted.
To me a fundamental change that must happen is holding police responsible if the victim was unarmed when they were shot and killed there really are very few excuses for shooting an unarmed person. I thing the level of justification needs to be very high in such a case.
Someone should tell the sheriff that CBS is reporting that Gavin Long was a member of the sovereign citizens movement. About as far from BLM as one could get.
I don’t understand how any black person can sit there and say black people get treated fairly and or the same as white people. I know some like him are just trying to work the system, uncle Tom style, but he and all the white folks that claim blacks get treated the same all know it’s complete and utter bull shit. Who the fuck do they really think believes it? Other than that dumb white girl from Utah that married a black guy and was surprised the way her husband and half black kids get treated , who I just have to assume lived in an all white Utah bubble.
edit: this chick
Look, Clarke is a member of the CSOPA. These guys are the fringe elements who have badges. He blames BLM because he doesn’t feel the need to clean up his department the way Chief Brown in Dallas cleaned up his.
Truly, Clark is a self loather. His day is coming. He will be out of uniform or in-- it won’t matter to the Bubba cop who pulls him over and threatens his life. Of course Clark will be making excuses for the cop if he survives the encounter.
BLM is dedicated to ending hate and stopping violence. It’s message is targeted towards people who only see the world in terms of hate and violence.
This guy, for instance.