Discussion: In Flaming Screed, Firm In Internet Troll Case Accuses Mueller Of 'Fake Law'

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“In short, fake law, which is much more dangerous than fake news,” Concord Management’s attorneys said in the court document.

Oh yes, the judge will greatly enjoy hearing Council’s defense on this term.


" “hysterical dithyramb” "

If this is all the argument you got, guys, you’re fucked. hahahahahahahaha


“hysterical dithyramb” wins the day…While accusing Mueller of ‘fake law’ they engage wild and baseless accusations to have us do … what? It read like an Onion essay.


Eschew the sesquipedalian periphrasis, you bums.


Their argument seems to consist of general hysteria. hahahaha


Says a fake firm defending fake accounts that posted fake stories to help a fake businessman appeal to fake Christians who worship a fake husband so a party of fake patriots could elect a fake billionaire as their fake president in a fake election.


This is a discovery issue and the manner in which discovery is conducted and the various interests of the parties protected during the process is largely up to the discretion of the judge. To be sure, I’m not a criminal lawyer and I would assume that discretion to be far more constrained in the criminal context, but it seems to me these defense attorneys are going way overboard…and there’s certainly nothing “fake law” about what Mueller is requesting.

I’m going to go ahead an assume from their tone, the “fake news” reference and their flagrant abuse of the Thesaurus that they’re a little too personally invested in the case…perhaps because of their own politics.

As to the last…if you’re reaching for that fucking thing or right-clicking words while writing your motion, then you’ve already lost. There is no legal argument in existence that cannot be won with clear, simple straight-talk.


Tell it to a real lawyer.


In case anyone wondered where Trump got his rhetoric re “fake” stuff.


These Russian trolls really are taking over all aspects of our society. However, these two lawyers will continue practicing their profession in this country and they need to consider the reputational damage they’re doing themselves. I hope that the checks clear because they might find legitimate clients hard to come by in a few years.


Can a lawyer correct my use of the following legal terms?

“To bad. So sad. See you in court chuckleheads.”


Oooooooo, someone hit a sensitive nerve, didn’t they?

Why not let the investigation play out instead of hysterically arguing in the media against the charges?

What’ve ya got to lose?


“Fake Law” :joy: :joy: :joy:


I have, on occasion, been told by lawyers I’m working with that a word I used in a brief caused them to have to reach for a dictionary and therefore, presumably, the judge would as well. And, of course, it’s a criticism that is well taken because one of the worst things you can ever possibly do is make a judge feel dumb or create the impression that you think you are smarter than the judge. Naturally enough, this is a thing i encountered more often when I was young than now that I’m not-so-young and when it happens these days, it’s always a “wtf? That’s not a word people know?” blindside.

But at my absolute most arrogant young know-it-all stage, I would never, ever, ever, ever have used the word “dithyramb” in a brief. Not least because it was unknown to me until just now, but also because, even after looking it up I said to myself “I would never, ever be and never was a big enough of a supercilious asshole to use that word in a brief.”

There just somethin’ ain’t right about these people. I don’t know if they’re Trumpist ideological zealots or if they are just writing briefs to please the client rather than persuade the court, but their whole approach is just crazy.

ETA. I just figured it out. Russia figures that since the entities have already been burned and are thus useless for further covert ops, they’ll use them as a means to turn the trial into a propaganda asset to support Trump and smear Mueller and, hopefully, acquire classified information for the Rodina if possible. And that’s what these lawyers have agreed to do for the client. It’s just the part where I would consider doing that inconceivable because it would be a gross breach of my oath of office and my ethical duties to the tribunal that threw me for a minute there.



Only a matter of time before that phrase becomes part of the lexicon of the idiot American people.

Like fake news.

Aimed at Breitbart and Fox News…

The 2 minutes hate always needs fresh grist…

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I thought they had gotten the idea from Trump.

Fling it back at them: Fake border laws.

Oh wait, no. Let’s just surrender before anyone has even fired a shot.

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