Discussion: In First Words To UN, Trump Praises Trump-Branded Condo Next Door

I can no longer listen to the Beeb (on my local station after Morning Edition) anymore because of the way the BBC reporters simply treat Trump as a normal American president, the voice of America, the choice of the American people, and a person whose statements and views must be taken seriously.

It’s not because that normalizes him, the way the NYT and the AP have been doing. It’s because, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, that’s all true and the fact that he lost the popular vote, is wildly unpopular and subject to constant agitation and opposition is quite irrelevant to reality as experienced in a country other than America. And it’s unbearable to listen to that.


Honest to God…it’s all about HIM, all the time, every time.


Mortality has never been more comforting. He WILL kick the bucket. Probably not soon enough, but he will.


Only if they are the ones made in China - this is the UN, we need to think globally…

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“a businessman’s eye for seeing potential, and he sees great potential
not just in this reform movement, but in the United Nations itself.”

Trump sees the UN as a glass building full of freeloaders, in other words potential. As he enters the building, he is thinking “I should convert this place into a condo”


This is, as usual, beyond the pale. What former President has taken a U.N. speech as an opportunity to brag about his personal business? Every day this man demonstrates his complete lack of qualifications and judgment to hold the office to which he was elected. Congress, get off the pot and start impeachment proceedings, please! He’s a cheap crook with a big mouth, and I do hope Mueller nails his ass.


If the Trump Tower across from the UN also lost ten stories it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.


The United States’ ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, introduced Trump
by saying he had “a businessman’s eye for seeing potential, and he sees
great potential not just in this reform movement, but in the United
Nations itself.”

Governing isn’t about profit Nikkl.
Bragging about a building trump doesn’t own as of he does is a goddamned lie, Nikki.
“Potential” in business and “potential” in the UN are utterly and completely different, Nikki.

Jeebus! (lays head on desk)


Cancer? I guess I need to phone a friend…


Well he is a piece of shit, so yes.

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trump hard core are burning their MAGA hats.


W was also a businessman


The ‘Sex in the City’ franchise just threw up. “So not what we meant!”


I am waiting for the audience to simply stand up and walk out when he does shit like that. Then have the delegate from Zimbabwe hold a press conference and say, “We don’t need to hear that from a guy who can’t figure out how to walk down a staircase.”


Social promotion is a bitch. Fortunately, the bitch keeps records, and Mueller is talking to her.


Texas Oilman who couldn’t find oil in Texas or Persian Gulf!

Has Trumps Hurricane Donation check cleared yet?


Ever since the election, every conversation I have with someone outside the US begins with them asking me about Trump. Once I have firmly established that I think he is a loathsome piece of filth and that I am disgusted with the idiots who got him elected, they voice huge relief that I am sane, and the conversation can proceed. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. In person, on phones, in chats. The world is disgusted and horrified by Trump. AND the idiots who voted for him. Period.


What a slimy dirtbag. A pox on his house.


Can somebody just park him before the Chagall window and tell him to Stay! Sit! Good boy!

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