Who’s more fun than Kim Jung Un?
We don’t need a For Sale sign. What would be more appropriate would be Under Contract.
I’m waiting for him to suggest the UN be relocated to 666 Fifth Ave. (Kushner’s albatross).
You know every single person in there thinks the guy is a complete imbecile and shaking their heads in disbelief that people in this country elected him to be president.
…even Nikki Haley!
Trump Trolls UN
Nicky Haley’s job descrption includes:
“…shill for Mr. Trump’s business interests when visits UN facilities…”
Diplomats have a hard time getting apartments in NYC because they habitually abuse their diplomatic status, and refuse to pay their rent, parking fees, etc., in full knowledge of the fact they can’t be held liable for those debts. Landlords (with the possible exception of Trump) are aware of this, and refuse to rent to anyone with diplomatic immunity, or demand payment in full in advance of occupancy.
What a fucking narcissistic pig.
First thing I thought, given the background of everything. “Ix-nay on the aundering-lay, you dope.”
Vulgar pissant.
Just more American exceptionalism. Screw you damn elites and your quaint notion of the president as a dignified, respectful person. We’re gross, ignorant pigs and we want the world to see!
Particularly since many of these UN countries have intelligence on the laundering that far surpasses anythiing that’s been made public here.
The Donald shows a lot of class. All of it third.
Really. Talk about complete wraithing. I puke at her obvious “businessman” worship. Let’s just paper over all trump’s spectacularly stupid failures and bankruptcies. He’s a “businessman” so of course he’s superior to all of you stuffy diplomats.
Maybe Trump could hand out MAGA caps to the UN diplomats as door prizes for showing up?
I bet he’s got plenty of electoral college maps left over for souvenirs, too.
Poor Nikki. She often looks like she’s constipated.
His speech to the UN was a crying shame. His presidency was going so well until this morning.
@sickofitall, Nikki is the blockage that makes the rest of America constipated.