Looking back, Biden has been on the wrong side of history on many many issues.
Looking forward, if he was selected President, we could expect more of the same.
What an odd article to be appearing above the fold in the Washington Post today. Does anyone with an iota of neural activity seriously believe that Joe Biden is a racist? Really? Really!!! What could have possibly motivated the Post to pursue this story? Whose interest does it serve? Is the implicit message that Joe Biden has not learned anything in 45 years? Wasn’t it he, not President Obama, who first came out for gay marriage. Didn’t he serve honorably as the Vice President to our first ever African American President?
If you’re referring to this:
In ’70s Biden Opposed Desegregating Schools Through Busing
We should note that Jimmy Carter did the same in Georgia.
Joe’s probably not a racist but he did nothing to help Hill overcome the Thomas juggernaut in 1991. Joe droned on and on, and ultimately prevented her from bringing witnesses forward to back up her claims about Thomas. He was the chair of the committee and he loved the sound of his own voice too much. He says he owes her a apology, she says she’s never received one.
But in more recent history, last year during the midterms, Biden accepted $400K for a speech on behalf of repub candidate for the House from MI, Fred Upton. What Democrat does that?
In modern Presidential elections, a long political record does not seem to be a positive asset.
And a short one Trump’s everything… Look where that got us…
This op-ed by Warren will surface also. If he runs and loses, she will be blamed because she did not cheer his support for bankruptcy bills tilted against the poor and in favor of the credit card companies.
Added: Of course Warren was the only reason Bill Clinton vetoed a bankruptcy bill shortly before he left office. Warren appealed to Hillary to join her in defeating it.Thankfully, Hillary did.
What I find hard to believe is that Biden is considered enough of a presidential contender that someone felt a need to root around for skeletons and this particular skeleton was already a matter of public record…
I smell a wrinkly old republican white male looking to stir up some dem in-fighting.
Oops, that opinion didn’t age well. I wonder whose oppo team dug this up?
There are, sad to say, people who think that because career politicians have messed things up, a person with no political skill or experience will do better.
WaPo wants you to believe it has a liberal lean, but nobody who makes as much as Bezos and the top dogs at a place like that places higher value on anything over than their tax cuts and continued plutocratic policy.
What bullshit this is. I don’t care how he felt in the 70’s, what matters is how he feels NOW.
Biden was one of the first in the Obama Administration to speak out FOR Marriage Equality. I don’t think he would pick a Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court or pack his administration with his daughter and son in law that couldn’t even obtain security clearances.
I know why these stories are coming out now, but it doesn’t change how I feel about him nor will it affect my vote. I’m sick of the purity test - it’s a big reason trump is in office now.
Stories driven by oppo research are going to be the norm from here on out. No point trying to guess whose oppo shop dropped this one. It’s grown up rules from here out. Either he can deal with these bombs when they drop or he can’t.
What kind of fucking nonsense is that? Wrong, and the shtick is getting tired, but you do you, champ.
Frankly, it probably came from one of the other Dem/liberal candidates’ oppo shops.
Or that reaching across the aisle is somehow a treasonous offense, rather than skills sorely needed these days.
I’m already tired just imagining trying to defend his record for an entire campaign.
Carter has atoned for it. Biden? Meh.