If there was one thing that was guaranteed to happen in these ‘shelters’, this was it.
Geeze. MAGA. what a crock of crap.
I really would like to see Scott Lloyd in the hot seat during testimony before a committee. This is the same guy who was trying to prevent pregnant teens held in detention to get abortions, along with not seeing pregnant detainees get proper prenatal care if they wanted to delivery their baby.
vis a vis very young immigrant children separated from their parents: Totally predictable, totally preventable.
Pro Publica is a national treasure.
The same party that freaked out over who used which bathroom will minimize this, pretend it doesn’t exist, or say the kids are asking for it. Sickening . . . .
Only six comments on this?
Interesting, no? I think people have a lot to say about this, but it is so sickening. It was one of my early predictions about this robust debacle.
The U.S government should be sued 100 times over on this and some kind of criminal violation of human rights should be brought to bear against tRump’s regime.
There was an article about a psychologist or pediatrician who visited a shelter who witnessed a worker trying to distract or comfort a distraught toddler without breaking the rules by touching the child.
This whole thing is so, so messed up.
Well now that some of the children and their parents have been reunited the outrage will split into different camps to persue different avenues for accountability.
Who proposed this policy?
Who implemented this “zero tolerance” policy exactly, as in there was a trial run stared in 2017.
Why didn’t this hit back then?
How much notice was Scott Lloyd given to ramp up the youth shelters?
How much was were contracts for these outside groups? Where did the money come from?
Who in ORR was charged with keeping track of the children?
Who in ICE was charged with keeping track of the parents?
Who trained the CBP officers on how to implement this change in policy?
My list could go on and on. I think what we’ll see from now on is certain advocacy groups trying to get answers to these questions. Too bad Republicans don’t care.
This is America?
And if you think that Trump and his people give a crap about this, I think you are mistaken.
This will be a stain on our country’s history.
More important, many of these children’s lives are shattered forever. And there was no justification, let alone necessity, for this.
Calvin is that you?
Molesters are always attracted to locations where children are present. Most organizations serving young people have policies and procedures to minimize the damage they can do. Most states have licensing requirements. Insurance companies require policies be enacted and enforced. When I first heard that HHS was using unsupervised contractors for some of the work it occurred to me stories like these would be told. If it occurred to me it should have occurred to people in the Trump administration. That it didn’t should end careers.
Brutal, uncaring, murderous, smug…sounds about right these days.
I will never forget or forgive the shitty grin on Jeff Sessions face when he announced the policy.
In all fairness, Pro Publica is incapable of writing a report any shorter than 50,000 words. I suspect a lot of TPM readers don’t budget enough time to make it to the end.
Speaking only for myself, the amount of time I usually carve out to catch up on the news is enough to either read most of the day’s news or read one Pro Publica article.
This is precisely what I feared would happen as soon as this demented, freak laden administration started “kidnapping” and incarcerating these immigrant children. I am getting on the phone to my congresswoman, first thing Monday AM. The manner in which Trump and company has treated these immigrants was criminal in the first place; this just “doubles down” on that criminality.
This is the new normal in Trump America. The Conservative Movement has bred a culture that preys on children, women, minorities and gays. Nothing is off the table when it comes to attacking what the Religious Right considers inferior to their White Male Supremacy. Congressional Republicans approve of child abuse. Watch them make another pedophile enabler, Jordon, Speaker of the House .
Trump is the outward personification of a much darker evil that is now is the core inside the GOP. Voters better vote while they are still allowed to have that right in November…
I don’t ever want to hear a Republican say that they are family values Christians. This Zero Tolerance policy proves they are not. Instead, conservatives have proven that they are depraved; and, yes, Deplorables just like Hillary said. Let’s take back America and Jesus from the NeoNazis in November.
If Pope Francis can finally get the Vatican to kick out the pedophiles, we as a nation should be determined to kick them out of Congress and the White House. The GOP has given them haven within their party.