Appalling. Deliberately punitive mistreatment, obviously. At least there’s attention being paid to it.
In his report, Henry Moak Jr., juvenile coordinator for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, documented the air temperature as appropriate at a number of border facilities and said he drank the water himself from 5-gallon (19-liter) containers at a processing center in McAllen.
So was your inspection announced Mr. Moak? Did you drop into any facility unannounced?
Kenneth Wolfe, a spokesman for HHS’s Administration for Children and Families, said the agency wouldn’t comment on specific cases but if a contractor doesn’t comply with agency procedures, the issue is addressed.
And who is checking for violations? How are kids suppose to report violations? Are there state employees that are monitoring these state approved facilities? How often to they do welfare checks unannounced?
So the CBP guards are treating them the kids like crap? Who would have thunk it?
Republicans and all Trump lieutenants are American piker Nazis. But give them time and they will get much closer to an obese version the real thing.
We need congressional oversight. Will we get it from a republican House? Beyond outrageous.
All of us Americans should be deeply ashamed. We are learning that we are far from the idealistic version of what we though we were. This was certainly predictable. By electing Trump as our president we destroyed our reputation forever. What has followed is just verification of our shame. Our collective skin color is now far redder than ever before.
Criminalizing poor people, especially brown people who don’t speak “American”, and then being cruel to them once they are called criminals is, unfortunately, as American as apple pie and KKK robes. The only new thing is how many Americans, especially Republicans, are openly endorsing and reveling in it. This is sickening behavior being pursued for no rational reason. No matter who we keep telling ourselves we are, THIS is who we are and the rest of the world is taking note.
You are what you do.