Discussion: Imam: Detroit Man Lied, Mom Died Before Trump Travel Ban Was Imposed

And give fuel to the fever dreams that arise from the fetid swamp that is the right-wing hive-mind. To them, this won’t just be someone who lied. No, this will be:
A) Fake news promulgated by the left-wing fake-news media.
B) Paid patsy lying for the left.
C) Obama’s fault.
C) All of the above.

But of course! That’s the logic tought in Philsophy 101 at Trump U, and PeePee Le Fascist is pres now, so trump U rulez.

This kind of stuff is profoundly unhelpful and pointless. There’s no need invent or exaggerate anything, there are plenty of real outrages being perpetrated by the Trump regime.


I guess this is an alt-left alternative fact. Gee, who would thunk it?

Kudos to the imam for setting the record straight.


Oh thank god…now Faux News can report on this…because it certainly wasn’t going to when the guy might have been telling the truth, but NOW, well, this fits nicely into their white nationalist conservative Christian grievance narrative.

Most of me wants to take these people who lie about these things (like the girl who got caught lying about her hijab being ripped off etc.) and then slap them repeatedly while screaming YOU’RE NOT FUCKING HELPING…but part of me is starting not to fucking care and think we should just go on a lying alternative fact bender like the white nationalists are.

And BTW, death certificates are easily accessible public documents. Anyone who reported Hager’s claims without checking is a fucking asshole and deserves to be slapped too for helping feed Faux News’ narrative.

I know, right? This is exactly the same as Trump and his people lyiing every time they open their mouth!

Cartoon squirrel wants that big acorn attached to your neck

She died in Iraq. Adds some difficulty.

You refrained, but you earned a victory lap.

Alt-left? Oh God.
This is one dude making shit up. No such thing as alt-left.

Trump: She was a terrorist. Now we know that terrorists just lie as well. Khristians follow Jesus and because they are white, they never lie.

I don’t think we should necessarily privilege the second-hand account of the imam over the first-hand account of Hager. At this point, I don’t know which one is telling the truth. The imam may be trying to appease Trump-Putin and his minions by offering alternative facts to Hager’s story. Or Hager may be lying to get attention and paint Trump with an unnecessary death.

As it is, we only have one man’s account - and another man contradicting it.

The imam may be right, but I’m adopting a wait and see attitude for the time being.

Yeah, and this means all hardships claimed to be caused by the ban are lies.

I do recall when reading about this yesterday you were one of the only people who also suspected this was BS. There are in fact “real” things we can go after Trump on, making things up only helps him.

Thanks, but I actually only questioned the cause of the woman’s death. It didn’t occur to me that her son would be lying to make a political point.

Oh, I did not mean specific BS, just BS. You correctly pointed out that a woman being already seriously ill does not mean a flight to the US automatically saves her. That was an absurd leap to make at the time, and should have been investigated before news organizations printed the story.