Transcription problem. The Taliban want “Piece”, as in body pieces.
So… If you leave 100 Intelligence Agents there…You also need:
- Guards for the compound they stay at.
- Airbase and aerial components either in house or in a nearby country. This means pilots, command structure, weapons and ordnance people, maintenance teams, refueling teams.
- Standby evacuation team in nearby country in case you need to get the intelligence guys out quick (Benghazi…)
- Cooks and maintenance.
- Security details to accompany the intel folks.
- MEDEVAC Teams.
- Helicopter support and maintenance for those.
Why, it’s almost like you need a baseline of multiple thousands of support people for the warfighters… Who would have thought warfare could be so complicated?
“We’ll come back if we have to. We have very fast airplanes, we have very good cargo planes. We can come back very quickly.”
“Also”, he added, “Afghanistan isn’t an island,which means it’s not surrounded by water, so we can drive there, though not as fast as the caravans can - they have very, very fast trucks that are even faster than our very fast airplanes which is why we need the wall so we can steal their trucks to get to Afghanistan very, very fast instead of just very fast with our airplanes. So a wall, or whatever you want to call it - I like to say you can even call it ‘peaches’…did you know they don’t have peaches in Afghanistan? But a wall or even a barrier is very, very, very important for my intelligence in Afghanistan.”
Could very easily be a word-for-word transcript…,
It seems the Dotard’s goal now is to not only build his hotel in Moscow, but to also have Vlad erect a statue of him as a Russian hero inside Red Square.
Wow, Republican ears all over the country - not least those of Trey Gowdy - just perked up at your mention of Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!
But then they read your whole post and said, “Naw, only Democratic administrations need to worry about that type of thing.”
Fun fact : if ‘Cecil’ is able to get ‘Pompey’ to run for Roberts old seat, it would be payback for that time Junior Trump convinced Zinke to join his dad’s administration and not run against Tester (which was McConnell’s original plan).
That last bite is what got me laughing.
That thar is a free ad by a President for yet another Trump golf course.
Other club counters say Dump has spent 155 days at his GCs, with at least 71 days documented playtime (big secret in the WH), at a cost to taxpayers of $40-80M, plus fees, rentals, and hotels paid to Dump Org for protecting or visiting him. MAGA.
When Dump ain’t Tweeting, he is golfing (except for self-inflicted shutdowns, where the wife travels for free)
Yes, it figures: in the age of instantaneous digital communication, Trump is still using a fucking telegraph.
I can’t even imagine listening to this. I can hardly figure out what he’s trying to say when I read it. On Mattis:
PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: He resigned because I asked him to resign. He resigned because I was very nice to him. But I gave him big budgets and he didn’t do well in Afghanistan. I was not happy with the job he was doing in Afghanistan. And if you look at Syria what’s happened, I went to Iraq recently, if you look at Syria, what’s happened in Syria in the last few weeks, you would see that things are going down that were not going down. That things are happening that are very good. So I was not happy with him, but I wish him well.
Good grief.
I remember thinking it was a bad thing that George W was only a “C” student. How I’d take that level of high caliber intellect today.
That’s easy.
Things are very, very bad because Mattis. But things are also very, very good, the “bestest”, one might say, because of Trump. That’s me, you know. I like to call myself that, when I’m not calling myself Barron.
So things are good and they’re bad. It’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times. Wow, that’s good. Someone write that down cause I just came up with it.
I wonder if Mattis is free to talk about those Syrian AUMFs that went nowhere.
incoherent gibberish.
“Let me just say it wasn’t so much a report,” Trump responded. “It was the questions and answers as the report was submitted and they were asked questions and answers.”
I have read the above four times and I still don’t know what he means.
“He resigned because I was nice to him.”
Seriously, did he read Mattis’ letter of resignation? Mattis called it quits because of a fundamental difference in policy. Trump’s ignorance about NATO and 70+ years of peace in Europe are among the reasons for Mattis’ departure.
Word salad is BETTER than what he manages to spit out!