Another Trump supporter trying to make liberals look bad?
Billionaire Governor Brucey Rauner (R-Asshat) was about to get his budget veto overturned by the pending House vote.
The same vote that would give Illinois its first budget in 3 years.
Governor Brucey was all over Illinois media saying he would do “anything” to prevent his veto from being overturned.
Well played, Brucey…
For now… This has Georgia 6th written all over it. Maybe Ms. Handel was in town?
My home state of Illinois can’t catch a break. Sigh.
Scott Pruitt’s on the case. He’s delivering another two carboys of dioxin and PCBs.
Sad, isn’t it. The proposed income tax hike is just restoring the tax rate Brucey cut when he took office on a platform of cutting taxes to bring in jobs. He conveniently forgot that Illinois was already in a huge debt hole.
It’s not to say that either party is blameless in the debacle of Illinois finances, but could any of us survive three years without a budget, or by not paying vendors we own millions to, all while trying to cut taxes for the rich?
^^ Something sounds vaguely familiar about that^^
It’s why I hope Michael Madigan retires and Rauner loses next year.
Rauner was over-ridden!!!
Illinois has a budget…
…take that, Guv!
Now, when will I get my tax refund??
It may be a stretch, but I’m counting this as a victory for Democrat’s nation-wide.
Not that Illinois still doesn’t have a boatload of financial problems, but it actually showed that some GOP’ers recognized that the billionaire businessman was going to bankrupt the state if he didn’t get his way, and decided to work with Dem’s to pass the budget. Paying attention, DC?
I applaud your optimism.
Make no mistake Bruce Rauner is a Koch Brothers tool and has had the benefit of constant political advertising and a willing media to characterize a small tax increase (personal income tax goes from 3.75% to 4.95%) as a 32% increase. In my book that is a 1.2% increase but it has been all over the newspapers and TV as a 32% increase. So it is remarkable that this got done. Now democrats need to really start communicating better and pushing back on the ridiculous anti tax BS and fund the universities and hospitals properly.
Indeed! This was a knock down drag out fight for a much needed income tax hike. Taxes were irresponsibly lowered two years ago with the state in a debt crisis. A big loss for the idea that government spending is nothing but a waste of money.
Aw, poor Clown Emperor Mitt Rauner – his plan to continue to hold the state budget hostage in order to extort the legislature into giving him his right-wing wish-list of matters having absolutely nothing to do with the budget (e.g., union busting, easing corporate regulations, making it harder to sue corporations, imposing stricter caps on damages, and other “tort reforms”) has failed. Clown Emperor Rauner is another one of those GOPigs who speaks softly and with the veneer of civility in order to mask what is really nothing but the same old mean-spirited, right-wing GOP lunacy.
What I particularly love about this outcome is the public humiliation for Rauner. He is as evil, self-absorbed and ill suited for office as Trump - he just has a better vocabulary.