Discussion: Illinois Board Of Elections Rules Ted Cruz Is Eligible To Run For President

Discussion for article #245490

Sorry, Ted, but until you produce proof your mother never voted in Canada, you are a foreigner.

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This is definitely going to the Supreme Court, and if I were Ted Cruz, I’d be concerned.

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So sweet that the states Cruz could never win are the ones with no problem with him running. Think he’ll learn anything from that? No, I didn’t think so.


‘When a pictures is worth a 1000 words’
'When words FAIL to express the true meaning of this title President Ted Cruz, say with a CARTOON.


The document says, “on account of his citizen parents.” But his father was still a Cuban citizen and his mother was on the voting rolls. Cruz is definitely a “natural born” citizen of Canada. Of course Canada doesn’t want him back Canada limits gun “rights” and has universal health care and welcomes Syrian refugees. If he becomes president, Canada will probably build a wall to keep him out.


John McCain is not relevant to this discussion, since he was born on ‘US soil’ (i.e. the Canal Zone). It never came up with George Romney because, prior to Obama, nobody ever thought to question a President’s nationality. Hmmmm.

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Maybe an investigation needs to specifically answer key questions. Questions about whether he is a natural born citizen oe a naturalized us citizen. Someone in authority needs to define the term officially. That would be a heck of a good start. Secondly, someone needs to pull up the oath for canadian citizenship that was used in 1970. Does it explicitly state the person is renouncing their current citizenship? 3rd, Canada should be able to verify if Ted Cruz’s mother became a Canadian citizen or not. They should still have the records. Lastly, did Ted Cruz’s parents fill out the right forms to take Ted Cruz into the United Ststes from Canada? Simple… should take a real journalist a couple of days for steps 2, 3 and 4. Step one needs to be settled by the courts. An official definition is long overdue.

As a fiscal conservative, Republican Tea party supporter, who supports Sen Cruz’s politics, I must point out that a U.S. citizen at birth – who was not naturalized – may not be an Art. II, §I, Cl. 5 natural born citizen if born under a foreign sovereignty or with a foreign attachment. Art. II, §I, Cl. 5 natural born citizens are those Americans born exclusively under U.S. sovereignty.

I’ll wait for Trump to send investigators to Canada and bring back Ted’s long form birth certificate.

But then, what could that birth certificate prove other than Cruz is a natural born citizen of Canada?

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I’m not, and neither is Sen Cruz. If Sen Cruz thought for one moment SCOTUS would address this issue, he would have never run for the presidency. And even it SCOTUS did take this matter up, Sen Cruz knows the chance they would declare it a justifiable question is even more remote. In short, Sen Cruz is playing the odds and those odds look pretty goods SCOTUS will not be addressing this issue anytime soon.

…maybe they’ll stop in Iowa on the way and gather some more Cruz crimes evidence there?

This thing is going to turn very sour very soon for Cruz.

The Cruz Crimes.

Sounds like a very nice little soap opera, no?

Cruz has taken it all to a new level…he’s a snake in sheep’s clothing.

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… of everything not getting done in IL, this is something that does…?

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I know that when I want constitutional law analyzed, I go to the Illinois Board of Elections.

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Isn’t there another problem? According to our early history, didn’t the law determining lineage have to go through the male? Therefore, if you go by original intent which conservatives love to site except when it is a negative force on their agenda, he is not a “natural born citizen” due to being born in Canada and also having the Father a none US citizen.

Sorry, slimy snake, but the Illinios board of elections does NOT speak for the nation.

Wrong, but of course it is Illinois.

Ted is a naturalized US citizen by statute, because he was not born in the US or its territories.