Glad to see progress instead of backsliding.
Having this US wide, would save so much time and effort on voter registration.
Given the lack of nay votes in the lege, there wasn’t much point in Rauner’s doing anything else.
Kudos to my home state of Illinois!
That’s just the beginning. He’s signing another bill today that will piss off Trump.
“This bill will provide an unprecedented level of protection for Illinois’ half-million undocumented residents who could otherwise enter the deportation pipeline through any simple interaction with police, including a traffic violation or a call to report a crime.”
I decry this development as it could threaten Illinois’ reputation for pre-eminent dysfunction and corruption in government. A worrying trend!
Oooooooooh, I love this!!!
Well, he didn’t let this pass out of the goodness of his heart or his desire to see more people (especially those people) vote. Rauner is boxed in. He is a Trump clone, except with a better vocabulary and fewer juvenile theatrics.
Clean up, aisle 7, from all the exploding heads on the Right.
My shadenfreude meter is leaping towards eleven at the thought.
Nice development. Might be able to get 2 House seats there because of this. The trend should spread. If we’re going to get white nationalism out of the administration of law and public policy, AVR is a simple way to get there. When so many are registered, all the tricks in the book can’t affect the result if voters, confident in their registration status, vote en masse.
… making it far too easy for democrats to get elected which would lead to a collapse of the free market. Didn’t you study your voodoo Reagan-era economics?
Maybe I’m overthinking this, but it almost seems like Trump’s racist neo-Nazi dysfunctional antics is giving some ®s cover to vote for popular centrist or even progressive measures in their home States.
Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner ® signed a bipartisan veto proof automatic voter registration bill into law Monday, after initially vetoing the bill over concerns that it would increase voter fraud minority voting.
Poor Bruce. 45 will start trashing him as much as he does Governor Brown in California who consistently does the right thing. That third party 45’s forming doesn’t care which party he trashes just so he does.
Didn’t he drag his feet on signing this bill, though?
Ahh, @ncsteve is ahead of me like he always is. So he vetoed it then dragged his feet even when it was inevitable? Classy.
The ideal would be Motor Voter Registration, passed into law in CA in 2016. You can opt out, but you’re automatically registered by default.
Thanks for clarifying this - Rauner isn’t some kind of moderate, reasonable Republican who has “seen the light.”
Full speed ahead! State’s Rights, you know. That’s what T rump and Kobach want. That’s what they get.