“IG Report Knocks Down GOP Talking Point On McCabe”
No it doesn’t. Just be patient…Faux News will explain why just as soon as it’s had a chance to coordinate talking points with GOP congresscritter leadership and the WH.
This is all deep state reporting from the biased FBI who are lying to cover the fact that it was all of their pro Hillary bias that got me, Donald Trump, elected!
-The Real Donald Trump
“We found no evidence that McCabe continued to supervise investigative decisions in the Clinton-related matters after” his recusal, the report reads. “We did find that McCabe, prompted by a follow-up WSJ article of November 3, 2016, made inquiries about the steps the FBI was taking to address media leaks relating to the Clinton Foundation and exhorting managers to stop the leaking.”
Um, maybe perhaps because he wanted to know WTF the FBI-NY field office was leaking?
So, does he get his pension?
Didn’t Hannity first come up with the McCabe talking point?
Not based on this. The firing was for something else, much though trump might have wanted to fire him for having a spouse who was a democrat.
“Trump and the GOP have used the donation to paint McCabe as a Clinton ally.”
Well then just imagine how awkward it’s gonna be for Trump and the GOP when Mueller documents all those Putin donations laundered through the NRA.
And I’m going to leave the expansion of that last letter as and exercise for the reader.
Well, we all understand that Andrew McCabe was fired because his wife was a Democrat.
That’s too bad.
Maybe it happened, maybe it didn’t, I Don’t know.
There’s good people and bad people on both sides.
Ollie will fix it because the fixer Cohen is a wee bit busy with other issues. lol
Today we learned from Sarah that the bible encourages separating mothers from their children. Ostensibly, to get them to hand over the kids, the authorities explain that the parents and children need to be given a bath. We’re getting pretty close to showers. All we learn from the McCabe episode is that these people will make up anything, stop at nothing, to achieve their corrupt purpose.
OMG. I have MSNBC on to watch the Wray news conference but I can’t take it. Chuck Todd (Don’t get me started) and a panel member just concluded that both political parties put the FBI in a bad spot by nominating compromised candidates. I’m not kidding . . . . . I have to sign off for awhile as I’m worried about my blood pressure.
So that sound you hear is over a million ministers, pastors and priests ripping up their Sunday sermons.
Re Chuck Todd; Some commentator once lamely said that some senator was “raked over the coals by Chuck Todd”. Another commentator quipped “but that is a pretty small BBQ”. LOL at that…
Heads must be exploding over at fox “news”.
Chuck is a keen disciple of High Broderism—any criticism of. Republicans must be swiftly followed by sighing bothsiderism. Democrats of course, may be savaged mercilessly.
It makes me want to scream when they say that (1) they have absolutely no choice in how the law is enforced (which is completely untrue),and that (2) the problem is that the Democrats refuse to fix the “loopholes” in the law that require children to be separated from their parents. For one thing, the law does NOT require that; it only says you cannot incarcerate innocent children. And for another, what power do they think the Democrats have in Congress to make any changes to legislation at all? The Republicans are in charge of every branch of government, and they refuse to consider anything Democrats want to do.
“It’s OK If You Accept Rubles”?