And it took 4 years for these governmental parasites to report this? Sad.
So to be clear when screening for politically affiliated groups improperly applying for a tax exempt status not available to political groups they used words and phrases in the groups names that implied a political leanings to identify groups for additional screening and they did this across the board looking at names that implied either right or left wing affiliation? Truly this is a scandal for the ages.
“Republicans completely politicized an investigation into this issue,” Levin’s statement continued. “They claimed a May 2013 TIGTA report, which it’s now shown was wholly incomplete, to supported their allegations that the IRS Tax-Exempt and Government Entities Division, then led by Lois Lerner, targeted Tea Party and other conservative groups for heightened scrutiny based solely on their political views.”
@mattshuham, How was the 2013 report so incomplete? Was the IG directed to only look for right-wing groups or was the 2013 IG a partisan hack?
This has been known all along. But the skewed partisan 2013 report was amplified and propagated by lazy mainstream reporting that uncritically parroted the line about “targeting of conservative groups”.
You want fake news? I’ve got your fake news right here.
You mean Sean Hannity was lying?
This is so depressing. We knew this at the time.
It was known at the time, but the Right Wing Noise Machine and all of the Whiny Ass Titty Babies on Faux drowned out the facts.
I don’t know what “governmental parasites” you’re referring to. The Treasury Department’s IG department certainly can’t be counted as such.